I am having gastroscopy and colonoscopy on Tuesday. Reading notes for the preparation it says talk to doc or pharmacist if you have any of following, one being thyroid disease. I have had them before but not together and for me it is very painful. This time I will not be eating for nearly 30 hours, I suffer from migraines too, made worse with no food. All this comes few weeks before I undergo a major operation to remove a tumour from spinal chord. I wonder if it would be OK to go ahead with endoscopies. I doubt if GP will say much. I have followed a gluten free diet since before Christmas, not sure if hospitals are up to speed with this, I will be in for at least a week after op or maybe longer. Day case for endoscopies. Any advice greatly received. Thankyou
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy, it says talk to do... - Thyroid UK
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy, it says talk to doc if you have thyroid disease!!! Advice please!
Hospital should be able to provide gluten free diet, but you must let them know
Keeping hold of your own thyroid medication may be more difficult
They like to dish out medication when it suits them not when it suits you.
Do you also need to take daily vitamins
Thanks. I wondered about meds, I take mine around 5.30-6 am so I can have my breakfast without concern. Yes, I take d3 and k spray, b12 spray, b complex. I don’t suppose they will let me keep those. Any idea about the endoscopies and thyroxine too?
First of all I am sorry you are going to undergo an op on your spine and send my best wishes for a quick recovery.
Any member whose had a health issue such as yours will respond.
As the notes specificially state 'thyroid' you should have a chat with the surgeon to ask if you can take levo (or whatever your take) before the op. and then after the 30 hours.
I would guess that with all the ops you are having plus additional health problems you will be quite stressed and relieved to get them over with.
I will be given lots of pain relief after op including morphine, how will this affect thyroxine etc?
I think that the person who is going to prescribe the pain relief should have an idea of when you should take levo and if the 'new' meds will interfere with the uptake of thyroxine or the gap which may be needed between pain relief and thyroxine..
Thanks. Sorry the info about thyroxine was for the endoscopies, think I will have to ring them again. It had been a stressful six months and I guess another few months yet.
I'm sorry to hear you are facing spinal surgery. My best wishes for the op and your recovery.
As for the 'oscopies, my understanding is that some of the sedatives used may interfere with thyroid function. I was given midazolam for a colonoscopy in 2013, even thought it is contraindicated in hypothyroidism, and the hospital knew of my medical conditions beforehand. I was also given nitrous oxide, which is contraindicated in B12 deficiency and pernicious anaemia. I was really ill for weeks afterward, but at the time I didn't know about the need, having both hypo and pernicious anaemia, to avoid these two drugs. Forewarned is forearmed!