Reposting thanks to advice!
Hypo on 300 levo per day
Thyroid function test, will be filed as 442..13 thyroid function tests, serum free t4 level (doesnt say anything after this??
Serum tsh level 1.52 mu/l (0.27 - 4.2)
Serum free t3 level 4.2 pmol/l (3.1-6.8)
Vitamin b12 and folate, will be filed as 44lc.00
Serum b12 221 ng/l (197-771)
Serum folate 10.2 ug/l (3.9-26.8)
C reactive protein, will be filed as 44cc.00 plasma c reactive protein
Serum c reactive protein level 4mg/l (0-5)
Thanks so much!!