I have been on 2 grains of Nature Thyroid for a while now but unsure as to whether I should up the dose as I still feel just as bad as I did when I switched from levo to Nature Thyroid meds.
I'm also now concerned about my "high" iron level (see below).
Please can someone give me some advice.
TSH 0.005 (0.27 - 4.20) mlU/L
Total T4 92.3 (64.5 - 142.0) nmol/L
Free T4 13.86 (12 - 22) pmol/L
Free T3 5.86 (3.1 - 6.8) pmol/L
Ferritin 202.0 (20 150) mg/L
Serum Folate 26.68 (8.83 - 60.8) nmol/L
I also have hashimoto. Levels have been greatly reduced on a gluten free diet but still feel so very ill.
Any helps and advice would be gratefully received.
Many thanks Shilling11