So I'm far from fine with periods of brain fog which thanks to this site I've looked into and do now unfortuantly feel quite daunted but it is what it is.
Here are my blood results below, any feedback would be useful because I feel clueless:
November 2016:
- Serum TSH 1.57 {norm range 0.3 - 3.94}
- Serum Cortisol 213 nmol/L {193-690}
- Ferritin 34ugL {13-150}
- B12 499 {197-771}
- Serum Calcium 2.25 {2.15 - 2.55}
- Monocyte 0.4 {less than 0.95}
- Eosinophil 0.1 {0 - 0.710}
- Basophil 0 {less than 0.2}
- Nucleated RBC 0 per 100 wbcs
- Serum C reac protein 1 mg {less than 10}
- Serum albumin 48 g/L {35-52}
- Serum adj calcium conc 2.09 mmol/L
- HbA1c IFCC standardised 38.8 mmol/mol
- HbA1c DCCT aligned 5.7%
- Total White 6.4 {3.7 - 11.11}
- RBC 4.43 {3.88 - 4.99}
- Haem estimate 127g/l {120-150}
- Haematocrit 0.4 iL {0.36 - 0.46}
- Mean Corp Volume 90 fL {82 - 98}
- Mean Corpus Haemoglobin (MCH) 28.7 pg {27.3 - 32.6 pg}
- Mean Corpus Hb conc (MCHC) 319 g/l (320 - 350) (this was picked up by lab as outside normal range but 1 point GP said made it normal)
- RBC dist width 12.3 % {9.9 - 15 %}
- platelet 298 {150 - 400}
- Neutrophil 4 {1.5 - 7.4}
- Lymphocyte 1.8 {1.1 - 410}
Plasma Glucose in June was 5.3 mmol {3 - 6} (wondering if this was a bit high but not sure)
S total 25-OH vit D {normal range isn't given}
November 2016: 43nmol
March 2016: 22 nmol (this has an asterisk but nothing was done about it think the feeling was it would be low in March anyway)
August 2016: 56 mol
I have definitely been far from fine the last few weeks. GP happy that all is normal he's going to write to an edno but said the referral was up to me as nothing has shown in my bloods.
I explaiend I would like to try to concieve next year and asked if I would need to up my thyroixine at this point he said no as I'd be seen by an abs/gyn at booking in who would check and maybe up it.
Bear in mind I have always been taking my thyroxine prob 2 hours pre these bloods and I am on 75mg.
Any help/ideas/inspiration would be so gratefully received I'm feeling desperately in need of an answer.
Have ordered a recommended book so will be doing some research over the next weeks/months before poss embarking on a immune paleo diet although it looks v radical not sure if its a good plan however I can't live with the threat of a serious slump/brain fog hanging over me.
Am also going to get back into meditation.