I had suspected I had Hashimoto's for over 8 years now (symptoms going back to childhood - am 36 now) - couldn't get any doctors to care.
I had been feeling ill for a while (lower backaches, chills, weight gain, gyno issues), so I decided to start working out. One day, after having cycled, I woked up with intense lower abdominal and groin/thigh pain in the middle of the night. The pain was unbearable - felt like all my muscles were torn. I also had cramping, so I was sent to the ER by my doctor to get evaluated the next day.
Everything was normal in my blood test and ultrasound except for the following:
AST = 221 (10-35)
ALT = 54 (10-35)
LDH = 288 (135-225)
Lipase = 12 (13-60)
Bilirubin and Glucose and everything else were normal. My ultrasound only showed a "plump" uterus.
My doctor was told to do a complete hepatitis panel test the next day. Negative for all types.
I finally convinced my gp to test me for Hashimoto's:
TPO = 180 (less than 34)
Thyroglobulin = 449.40 (less than 115)
My TSH, T3, T4, FT3 and FT4 levels are all in normal range.
Vit D = 26.2 (should be more than 30)
This all happened in September - my liver enzymes were test two months before and they were all normal.
What could this be? I'm so scared that it's autoimmune hepatitis - it's hard for me to sleep!!!
My GP told me to take Selenium for 6 weeks and see if the levels drop and if not, then she'll send me to the hospital to get tested.
Has anyone gone through this??