Hi. Following my post about elevated liver enzymes on Saturday morning. My dr is asking me to do another blood test tomorrow (creatinine, electrolytes, TSH, T4 and T3 and full liver function testing). I will have stopped biotin for only 3 days when this test is done. If my liver enzymes are still elevated then the dr is going to stop the PTU and I will be asked to take RAI or surgery. My dr called the endocrinologist about giving me T4 at my request and the dr was declined my request and also the endocrinologist remarked this situation had gone on too long. It’s been a year since diagnosis. Thought that was an unnecessary comment and that’s me being polite.
My LFT results on Friday afternoon were
Birilium 10 range 2-20
Alk Phosphatase 131 range 30-150
GGT 55 range 10-35
ALT 153 range 0-30
AST 105 range 10-50
The ALT is the most elevated. Dr not concerned with GGT or AST as they r just over 2 times. Currently on 150mg PTU daily. 50mg x 3.
New Zealand do not prescribe T3 or NDT. We r strictly T4 only. Yikes is being polite. We r in the Stone Age here. I don’t think I’ve been more scared.