Hi all
I've had my second test results from Blue Horizon following my first test back in May. The results are surprisingly similar but my symptoms seem to be getting worse, including fatigue, zero libido, aches and pains, really stiff legs and sore back, lack of concentration, falling asleep, low heart rate (under 50bpm), low body temperature (under 35 Celsius when I wake) - I could go on. All seem to be consistent with hypothyroid. But my results are as follows:
CRP 0.10
Ferritin 128.4
TSH 2.64
T4 total 107.9
Free t4 18.42
Free T3 5.30
Anti thyroidperoxidase abs 13.7
Anti thyroglubin abs 38.4
B12 397
Serum folate 45.4
Again my serum folate is high but could be through supplements. Last time B12 was low but I've got that up. How do my results look? If it's not hypothyroid any ideas what could be wrong with me? I've got a new dr who I'm seeing next week. Should I push to see an endo?