GP finally prescribed me some t3. Started taking 5mcg with 100 Levo (dropped from 125mcg) on 30th June and then upped to 10mcg t3 with 100 Levo on the 13th July. My levels are looking good so why am I still feeling absolute shite? Could it be solely from my high cortisol levels or just all in my head?
. What if my results are not actually true because I am taking beta blockers, although I take the odd 20-40mg through the early part of the day and not usually in after late afternoon. Am so lost at the moment
****26th July ******* after being on t3 for nearly a month
CRP 0.2 <5.0
Ferritin 100.4 (20-150)
FT4 19.38 (12-22)
FT3 4.74 (3.1 - 6.8)
TSH 0.51 (0.27 - 4.20)
T4 Total 115.3 (64.5 - 142.0)
Anti Thyroidperoxidase abs 393.5 <34
Anti Thyroidglobulin abs 261.7 <115
B12 873
Serum Folate 15.68 (10.4-42.4
****23rd June **** - this test was free from BH for comparable purposes and test was done mid afternoon and not morning so probably skewed - didn't expect to receive any results from them. Results before starting t3
FT4 27.61 (12-22)
FT3 3.68 (3.1 - 6.8)
TSH 1.77 (0.27 - 4.20)
T4 Total 159.8 (64.5 - 142.0)
Anti Thyroidperoxidase abs 410.2 <34
Anti Thyroidglobulin abs 272.4 <115
******7 June 2016 Results*****
CRP 0.2 <3.0
Ferritin 89.7 (20-150)
FT4 14.77 (12-22)
FT3 2.41 (3.1 - 6.8)
TSH 15.70 (0.27 - 4.20)
T4 Total 91.6 (64.5 - 142.0)
Anti Thyroidperoxidase abs 411.9 <34
Anti Thyroidglobulin abs 260.3 <115
B12 496 Deficient <140
Insufficent 140-250
Serum Folate 13.08 (10.4-42.4)
******21 April 2016 Results*****
CRP 0.2 <3.0
Ferritin 79.4 (20-150)
FT4 20.68 (12-22)
FT3 2.84 (3.1 - 6.8)
TSH 2.55 (0.27 - 4.20)
T4 Total 124.2 (64.5 - 142.0)
Anti Thyroidperoxidase abs 301.1 <34
Anti Thyroidglobulin abs 287.8 <115
B12 440 Deficient <140
Insufficent 140-250
Serum Folate 19.94 (10.4-42.4)