my latest bloods from my doc.. please take a lo... - Thyroid UK

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my latest bloods from my doc.. please take a look...

8 Replies

sodium 140 135-145

potassium 4.2 3.5-5.3

urea 3.8 2.5-7.5

creatinine 57 53-100

calcium 2.27 2.15-2.55

total bilirubin6 <17

cholesterol 4 3.1-5

total vit D 64 50-100

FREE T4 22.9 10-20

FREE T3 6.28 3.5-7

TSH <0.03 0.2-6

FSH 22.4

iron 18 5-33

transferrin 2.77 2.15-3.8

%iron saturation 29 15-50

vit B12 338 180-910

folate 13.26 5.4-24

ferritin 37.1 10-291

so there we have it... my doc was good about givin me my print outs frm endo.. we had a good chat, and was honest with each other.. he said he has 2 patients from refferal that are on armour... and i said yes ndt and he said no...armour lol... rest my case i am gonna seek this person out, this endo.. for sure...

results... ferritin low? B12 low? i have got patches for HRT today.. perimenopausol....also have reduced my levo from 175 to 150mcg since this test... thoughts please.. thanku xxx

ps.. just had a call frm my endo.. telling me i should stop all levo for 4days and go back down to 125mcg from 150... was gonna stop em.. told the doc they were poisoning me and were rubbish, just glad they r free lol x

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8 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


Vit D - 64 - needs to be 100+. Supplement with D3 and take K2-MK7 as well. Vit D aids absorption of calcium and K2 directs the calcium to bones and teeth rather than arteries and soft tissues.

B12 - 338 - Way too low. Under 500 and there is a risk of neurological problems. The Pernicious Anaemia Society recommend 1000. Supplement with Solgar or Jarrows sublingual methylcobalamin lozenges 5000mcg, when optimal reduce dose to 1000mcg as maintenance. When supplementing with B12 you should also take a B Complex to balance the B Vits.

Folate - 13.26 (5.4-24) - A bit low, needs to be at least half way through range so that's about 15. A B Complex will contain some folate, look for one with methylfolate (natural) rather than folic acid (synthetic). You wont need a high dose of folate in the B Complex as you don't have a very low folate level.

Ferritin - 37.1 10-291 - Way too low, needs to be at least 70, preferably 100+ for thyroid hormone to work. Supplement with iron and take 1000mcg Vit C with each dose to aid absorption and help prevent constipation. Take iron supplement 4 hours away from thyroid hormone.

in reply to SeasideSusie

seasidesusie thts brilliant thank you.. i did think my B12 was low.. may explain the extreme tingling atm in my hands and feet.. driving me daft... why arent the docs telling us this? madness...i already take vit c, but what iron supplement would you reccomend and also can i get all these in one shop ? like Holland and Barret? x

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

Hidden Yes, tingling would be low B12. Docs don't tell us 'cos they probably don't know or don't attach any importance to optimal levels of vitamins and minerals.

Don't bother with H&B own brand, they use cheap ingredients, don't tell you which form of the vitamin or mineral they use, and are generally a waste of money. Get a decent brand with good bioavailability. I get all my supplements online.

A couple of sites I use for good prices and good customer service are

Some come from Amazon, I just compare prices and go for the cheapest of the brand I want.

Vit D I like Doctor's Best, it has nothing but D3 and extra virgin olive oil, comes in a small softgel which is easy to swallow.

This is the K2 I'm going to get when I've finished my current one as again it's a softgel, I have trouble with capsules so try to avoid them

Iron, you could go with what doctors tend to prescribe which is ferrous fumarate (or ferrous sulphate), each tablet has about 65mg elemental iron and they usually prescribe 3 a day. Some people find these a bit harsh on their tummy or cause constipation, in which case a more gentle version would be Iron Bisglycinate such as Solgar Gentle Iron which contains 20 or 25mg elemental iron and is supposed to be non-constipating.

in reply to SeasideSusie

seasidesusie.. what do u think about my ft3?is this a good figure? .. and also, how do i hilight someones name when responding to their post? not so good with all this stuff... but am learning fast on here ... thanxx

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

Hidden To highlight someone's name (and this sends them a notification that someone has mentioned them and links to that post), you just put the @ sign in front of their name without a space eg @ seaside susie (but leave out all the spaces), then a list of names highlighted in blue will pop up under where you're typing and you click on the one you want. You must click from the list or it wont highlight and send the message.

Your thyroid results

FREE T4 22.9 10-20

FREE T3 6.28 3.5-7

TSH <0.03 0.2-6

As your FT3 is still in range, albeit at the top, you're not actually overmedicated, despite the FT4 being over range and TSH suppressed, it's the FT3 that's important and needs to be in range. Your FT4:FT3 ratio is 3.6 : 1 and for good conversion it should be 4:1 or less.

As you're not happy with how you feel on Levo anyway, I'd reduce to 125mcg and see how you feel. As for stopping for four days, I'm not sure how much difference that is going to make, but if you want to it wont be a problem.

in reply to SeasideSusie

SeasideSusie thankyou for that. was wondering how i did it... and so , do u think my ft3 is ok then? my endo has told me to stay off levo for 4 days and go bak on 125 instead of 150... i was gonna stop it myself.. am getting almost like allergic reaction... in a morn am terrible ... i worry about rt3? and pooling? i upped my meds too soon at one point coz i was desperate... and i do know that too much t4 can end up turning to rt3... is that correct? ... i have ordered some vits from the bodykind website, thankyou... they are good price... thankyou so very much for your invaluable help... its good to be productive, better than just sitting around doing nothing about this... my doc was so apologetic that he had to stick to his guidlines....but he did tell me he has 2 patients prescribed armour frm endo... my ears pricked up lol ... some doctor somewhere has an open mind... i will find him!!!!!!!!!!! xxx

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

Hidden Yay, you did it!

Yes, I think your T3 is OK as it is still within range, but as it is at the top and FT4 a little over the top (forget TSH) then it wouldn't hurt to reduce your Levo and see how you feel.

I don't think you need to worry about rT3. High rT3 is usually caused by a build up of unconverted thyroxine, your FT4 is converting well enough, if it wasn't then your FT3 would be low and you'd be making rT3 instead. But if you wanted to be absolutely sure you could do a rT3 test, it's included in the BH Thyroid Plus 12, I'm not sure if you can get it on it's own. It requires a proper blood draw and takes a couple of weeks or so to come back.

As you're not feeling great on Levo, maybe you should pursue this endo who prescribes Armour. Ask your GP if he will refer you to him, if he will then when your appointment comes through ring the hospital and ask them to put you on that endo's list to see him personally rather than one of his team. It sounds as though you have a pretty good GP so make the most of him!

And don't mention NDT - always use the brand name Armour, it's the one they know. We don't want them knowing about the NDT we self-source, it would open up a rather large can of worms.

in reply to SeasideSusie

SeasideSusie thanks for that... yeh my doc who i dumped a while back is the best of the bunch.. he is open to me...and my ramblings lol....when i said if its good enough for Hillary clinton ,then its good enough for me , he looked amazed .. he didnt know armour was a brand name.. doh... i said i would settle for naturethroid or erfa and he nearly choked ...told him i am no doctor , but i live in this body,and i want it back so i read all i can... i gave him something to read i had printed off and he actually took it serious and said he will read it... well... we shall see ... x

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