Hi All , I recently got private blood tests done and wondered if anyone would explain what they might mean especially the high and low results I've *while I'm waiting for Doctors App! Thanks so much if you can.
Barbara x
*CRP H 5.80 <3.0
*Ferritin H 218.2 20-150
Thyroid Function
Free T4 17.30 12 - 22
FreeT3 4.86 3.1 - 6.8
*TSH L 0.09 0.27 - 4.20
T4 Total 128.2 64.5 - 142.0
Anti-Thyroidperoxidase abs 8.6 <34
Anti-Thyroglobutin abs 13 <115
*Vitamin B12 566 Deficient <140
Insufficient 140-250
Consider reducing dose >72.5
Ferum Folate 20.39 10.4 - 42.4