Hi everyone, not long joined. I think I am hypothyroid but my blood results are "normal". Here they are (first set are NHS tests done at 9am two weeks ago, 2nd set Blue Horizon from a week ago taken at 6.30am. Lab range in brackets)
TSH 2.17 (0.35-5.00) - also done Nov 2014 (1.69)
FT4 14.4 (9.0-21.0) - also done Nov 2014 (13.1)
Ferritin 14 (15-200)
CRP 5 (0-10)
TSH 3.34 (0.27-4.20)
FT4 15.09 (12-22)
FT3 4.00 (3.10-6.80)
T4 total 85.7 (6.45-142)
TPO antibodies <5 (<34)
Anti thyroglobulin 12.8 (<115)
Ferritin 17.7 (20-150)
CRP 4.1 (<3)
So, according to results, I am slightly anaemic and have a slightly elevated CRP. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with my thyroid.
Then why do I feel so crap? I have so many symptoms of hypothyroid, on there own not significant...but all together.... But these are the worst ones...
Burning feet (horrendous!)
Migraine (3 in the last 2 wks, I have them only occasionally)
Pins and needles
Joint pains (wrists/feet)
Scalloped tongue
Numbness (toes, mainly. One episode of lower left leg)
Tinnitus/hissing - almost constant
Other minor symptoms like heavy eyelids (noticed this over last 6 or 7 months, right eyelid down to lash line now), IBS (though this is long standing), bit protein in urine, hair loss on head/eyebrows (my partner keeps going on about my eyebrows ie have I plucked them thiner, which I haven't), spots etc etc....
Ok, so am I going mad? Thyroid UK says that TSH should be between 0.1-2.0, can anyone explain this? According to that, I have hypothyroid. I have symptoms. They also say that the treatment level in the UK has been raised to 10, from 4-5 which they state was too high in the first place! I read somewhere that they treat you in the US if you are >3, which I am.
Can anyone advise? I am back at my GP on Thursday and he said he would refer me anyway but my referral has been rejected due to my "normal" blood results. I spoke to our locum GP where I work (I'm a practice nurse) and she would treat on symptoms (she has Hashimoto's but no symptoms). My GP won't budge and is now going to refer me (because of my age) to check out the anaemia (lol, also on the list of symptoms!) plus a neurology referral due to pins and needles/burning feet.
I am still convinced something is going on with my thyroid. I had a friend at school who was very thin, hyper and had prominent eyes. She had "normal" thyroid bloods for 10 YEARS so was told nothing is wrong! It is obvious (now) to me something was wrong. She has heart problems now, plus had surgery on her throat.
Sorry this is so long - has anyone had this experience or am I going nuts?
This is not in my head
Thanks, I appreciate any advice
Ps I am in Glasgow and noticed a support group who meet just up the road from me! I will aim to be there on Thursday, if anyone going