My mother who is 77 years old has problems with her blood pressure. It can be as low as 90/65/45 in the morning or rocketing high as 175/85/70 in the late afternoon.
She visited a cardiologist a couple of times in the past who put her on strong medications which helped more or less. He thought her heart was ok but suspected some psychological stress and alse gave her something to calm down.
She also had had some problems with her thyroid in the past but she had not been on any thyroid medications since then (20 years ago or so).
Last year I took her to the endo and the results were:
TSH 0.750 0,27 - 4,20 Miu/L
FT4 13.7 12,0 - 22,0 pmol/L
FT3 4.41 3,1 - 6,8 pmol/L
Anti - TG 27.5 0,0 - 115,0 IU/ml
Anti - TPO 46. 0,0 - 34,0 IU/ml
Cortisol 375 170-536
He also found two nodules. Slightly eleveted cholesterol at 5.8, all other blood results were normal.
He put her firstly on 25 then on 50 mcg Euthyrox.
After 2 months the results were:
TSH 0.342 0,27 - 4,20 Miu/L
FT4 16.8 12,0 - 22,0 pmol/L
FT3 4.18 3,1 - 6,8 pmol/L
She continued with the dose of 50 mcg and she felt good with no problems with the blood pressure for the next year. She also slept much better.
After one year, two months ago, she made another blood test:
TSH 0.50 (0.4-4)
FT4 14.3 (7.7 – 14.5)
FT3 4.1 (3.8-6)
Vit B12 264 (133 – 675)
Her GP , on the basis of low TSH and higher ft4, made her cut down the dose to only 25 mcg. Her problems with the blood pressure started approximately at that time so I thought maybe they are linked. She is slightly overweight, sometimes getting tired in the afternoon. She has been having some back pain and the rheumatologist put her on vit D. Apart the erratic blood pressure, no other symptoms or illness. Her basal body temperature is normal at 36.3 c. Her sisters also had problems with the thyroid in the past and I was diagnosed with low T3 syndrom last year and have been on the combo t4/t3 since then. I am planning to take her again to a private endo next week. I am wondering how apropriate is adding T3 to a 77 year old woman with the blood pressure going up and down.
Thanks for your opinions and suggestions.