After 8 years on synthetic T4, then T4 and T3, I switched to NDT (Naturethroid) last November (prescribed by my GP on a private prescription). I have felt so much better, more alive and clear headed. Thyroid sorted, immune system not.
I still get crazy allergic reactions to things I used to be fine with. These include skin rashes; upset stomach; itchy, runny eyes and nose, sore throat; headache. I can't tolerate eating wheat, most antibiotics, wearing wool or any type of jewellery, perfume, pollen ... the list keeps growing. Anti-histamine sometimes helps, sometimes not (especially not for my skin rashes). Something hit me last week (pollen, perhaps) and I felt totally wiped out for four days.
I also have been diagnosed with IBS, a biopsy shows my villi are damaged, and I have acid reflux and digestive problems on a regular basis. My diet is usually healthy, I don't eat meat, but I do eat fish, vegetables and fruit, and I try to avoid gluten. I drink a lot of water, but seem unable to tolerate wine (red and white) recently. These digestive problems really interfere with my enjoyment of life.
After 10 years on PPI's (which I stopped early last year) my GP thinks, from recent blood test results, that I do not absorb vitamins and mineral properly. I'm having B12 injections and taking various vitamin supplements, which may or may not be working (if they aren't being absorbed). My GP is looking for a specialist to investigate this further for me.
So much for background, I hope I haven't bored anyone too much.
I have asked to try LDN (low dose naltrexone). My GP has agreed to prescribe it privately on my next visit, after he has done some research about the correct dose. He thinks I should start very low (0.05 mg).
My question is this (OK, there is more than one :-). Has anyone else with Hashimoto's tried LDN? If so, what dose works for you? Has it helped to better control your immune system responses/allergic reactions? Are you aware of any side effects?
I know we are all different, but I am very interested to hear how other people with Hashimoto's get along with this drug.
Thank you for your time and for any responses in advance.