I have just got the results of my private blood test and as I am struggling with very low energy levels I wondered if anyone could look at them. I am on 150 mcgs of Levothyroxine and take 45mcgs of Liothyronine spaced out throughout the day. I was diagnosed with auto immune thyroiditis two years ago but had been ill for a while before diagnosis.
Total Thyroxine (T4) 112 (58-154)
TSH 0.004 (0.4-4.0) this has been low ever since I started on levo
Free Thyroxine (FT4) 20.1 (10-22)
Free T3 (FT3) 9.38 (2.8-6.5)
Free T4;FT3 Ratio 2.1 (2.0- 4.5)
Reverse T3 (rT3) 0.38 (0.14-0.54)
Thyroglobulin (TG) <20.0 (0-40)
Perioxidase (TPO) 72.9 (0-35)
Ferratin 128 (15-200)
Serum B12 756 (200-900)
Serum Folate 7.7 (3.1- 20)
I have had chronic fatigue since I became ill and it has always been my most severe symptom. At the moment thanks to starting on T3 I can at least work very part time and only do gentle swimming and slow walking for exercise. This is a huge contrast to how I once was .
I saw Dr Skinner once shortly before he passed away and he said he thought he could get me better, sadly that was not to be, my new Endo agreed with him that I should be on T3 but will not increase the dose from 20 mcgs so I have had to self treat symptoms and increased it myself. At the last appointment he suggested I may have a virus causing my exhaustion, but I don't know of any viruses that can last three years so with that unhelpful comment I decided to get private blood tests and ask for help elsewhere since he is obliviously not up to it. I also asked him about LDN and he obviously hadn't even heard of it , any help really and truly appreciated.