Hi, so I have been taking nature thyroid for 6 months and have gradually increased to 4 grains. All was going well until I was glutened in November. I have since had a big set back in lot s of ways ( although not as bad s when I was on levothyroxone).
Todays blood test results are
TSH <0.05. 0.3 -5.0
FT3 7.5 2.5-5.5
FT4 17. 10-18.7
I had these done in Oct
B12 483. 170-730
D. 57. No ref range given
Folate. 17.6. 3 - 19
Ferritin 208. 10-290
T4. 17.2. 10-18.7
Serum iron 12. 8-32
Saturation iron binding capacity 56
Unsat iron b.c 44. 28.7-53.7
Transferrin saturation index 21%. 15-50%
Any thoughts greatly appreciated as really don't know what to do.