Hi all, i'm new to the forum, I ordered the info pack from Thyroid Uk and have found it really helpful!
Quick background: Been hypo for 11 years since my daughter was born (my dad and maternal nan are hypo too)
On 150mcg of throxine a day but have never felt 'right'. I've been back and forth to the gp's for years with different niggles and, i believe, I have now been put in the hypochrondriac/depressed category by them (last time i went i was told there's nothing wrong and it's all in my head).
My main symptoms are the fatigue, feeling cold, very dry eyes to the point of getting episcleritis on a regular basis, brain fog and I now think i'm lactose intolerant.
Sooo, after reading the info pack I decided to get some private bloods done.
Had them done by Blue Horizon and recieved an email this morning:
T4 - 176 nmol/L (59 - 154)
TSH - 3.23 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.2)
Free Thyroxine - 18.4 pmol/l (12.0 - 22.0)
Free T3 - 3.8 pmol/l (3.1 - 6.8)
Thyroglobulin Antibody - 104.3 IU/ml (0 - 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody - 164.5 IU/ml (0 - 34)
I'm waiting for B12 and Vit D to come back but couldn't wait before posting!
I've never been referred to an Endo but am now thinking of asking gp to refer me.
If anyone can help with making head or tail of what's going on in my body, i'd really appreiate it.
Many thanks,