Hi, I have just had bloods back from GP and it says my mean cell haemoglobin concentration is 319 g/L (320.0 - 360.0) - below low ref limit but GP hasn't prescribed me anything? I had a telephone consultation last week and she said everything was normal and then i got print out of results off reception today and noticed this?!! I feel awful tired and muscle aches, go to bed early and still feel tired on waking. I work full time and have a 2 year old, everyday activities seem like so much effort. I have Hashimotos and I gave just had thyroid bloods done. I have recently had fainting episodes which us why I was getting bloods done. I had them done in February for the fainting and thyroid was normal. TSH 0.89 and t4 16 which made me think it wasn't thyroid (for once). What's best way to get iron levels up? My serum ferritin is 17.6 ug/L range 13.0 to 300. Vit B12 is 395 ng/L ( 190.0. - 910). I'm awaiting vit D results
Low iron?: Hi, I have just had bloods back from... - Thyroid UK
Low iron?

Well, you say it isn't thyroid, but...
Have you got a range for that FT4? It looks low to me (but I could be wrong, hard to tell without the range). Just being 'in range' isn't good enough. It needs to be in the right place in the range - the right place being at the top of the range for most people.
I'm not saying that low iron isn't a problem, but you could also need an increase in thyroid meds.
Hugs, grey
Hi Regarding the iron. Gp`s will not treat unless very low and then it needs a repeat test first! .
Best wishes,
Hi Helen, my ferritin level was low at 19 (10-300).
The endo suggested my symptoms (similar to yours) were due to that and my level should be over 70. I bought iron sulphate tabs from the chemist and am getting up to taking 3 a day. They are a pain in the a**e though as you can,t drink milk, tea, coffee, two hours before and one hour after taking them and you have to take 3 a day separately!!
As a tea-aholic I am suffering a bit with this but will keep going as anything to feel better. I am now taking my levo at night which helps with the amount of hours in a day and all other vits when I remember! Good luck
Tracey, my ferritin is lower at 17, I got some ferrous sulphate from chemist ( I showed pharmacist my results) he couldn't believe GP hadn't prescribed them. I'm now in 3 a day like you, just hoping I don't get constipated so taking lots if orange juice and lactulose. I'm hoping to get levels up to 70 but I'll have to ask for a repeat blood test. How long are you on them for? Pharmacist told me to take for 3 months!