My hypo daughter is clearly feeling tired. She leads a very busy life but from own hypo past experience I can see she is going downhill. Here are some of the results she received back in August when she was advised to take Spatone. At that time she had been taking iron tablets but had stopped because she was "fed up with taking them". Not sure how to advise her. Any ideas? Her GP seems to be one of those who relies on TSH and T4 as no T3 results were given.
! Serum iron level 8 umol/L 14.00 - 30.00umol/L
Serum transferrin 2.88 g/L 2.00 - 3.60g/L
! Transferrin Saturation 11 % 15.00 - 50.00%
Serum ferritin 16 ug/L 13.00 - 150.00ug/L Low iron stores
Total iron binding capacity 72 umol/L 50.00 - 85.00umol/L
Serum folate - (LL) - normal no action
Serum folate 6.3 ug/L 3.89 - 26.80ug/L
Serum 25-HO vit D3 level - (LL) - normal no action 69 nmol/L 50.00 - 174.00nmol/L
Serum TSH level - (LL) - normal no action
Serum TSH level 2.41 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.20mIU/L
FREE T4 - (LL) - normal no action
Serum free T4 level 19.5 pmol/L 10.80 - 25.50pmol/L