Posts - IBS Network | HealthUnlocked

IBS Network

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All posts for August 2023

bio-feedback therapy

Hi, I have been referred for bio-feedback therapy and I just wondered if anyone...
MyStar86 profile image

FOS and linzess

hello, my BAM results were negative but for the first time my doctors acknowled...
GKT1969 profile image

Bam weight loss

Anyone on this group lost weight due to having bile acid malabsorption i have lo...
Netbet22 profile image
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Ive had IBS-D for 50 years. I acquired a hiatus hernia, followed by gastritis s...
ValDee88 profile image

change in IBS symptoms

Hi I am totally confused and a bit bewildered. So I have had IBS with terrible b...
Junkjournal1 profile image


hi everyone, can anyone help, I have twice been admitted as emergency. First wa...
2013mayo profile image

Probiotics and prebiotics

I have ibsd and have started taking alflorex capsules which a dietician suggeste...
Apop profile image

Diagnosed 3 months ago

ear admin thank you for letting me join this IBS site as it may help my husband ...

Has anyone read Fibre Fuelled? Does it help IBS?

I have also downloaded the FODMAP app by the M university, but seems like it’s o...
Avahw profile image

Stomach Ulcer

Has anyone else had continued pain similar to that of an ulcer after taking PPI ...
Aysh666 profile image

Diverticulitis struggle to recover

So moving on from my original post and I thank everyone who was kind enough to r...
sickandsore profile image

Bad wind

hi I have started taking some probiotics I got from Holland and Barrett I though...
JanetJAM profile image

Low FODMAP diet trial

I've been trying to stick to low FODMAP foods for just over a week now. I am sti...
Washface profile image

Ibs related

Hi all me again so I came of laxatives for few days I had normal bowel movements...
Ella1992 profile image

What mint sweets are low fodmap and good? UK brands (IBS-C/Antibiotic use)

I was wondering, sometimes I get a bit nauseous due to constipation (I think? Co...
Avahw profile image

Is the IBS??

Hi I’ve been experiencing stomach problems (feels like butterflies ) for a week ...
Newby101 profile image

New to IBS struggling to find a pattern

Hi All,I have recently joined this community after I have spent the last 10 days...
Liquido profile image


Google FODMAP. There are certain compounds in foods that can cause ibs. There ar...
practiceman profile image

Waking up in early hours with gas

Writing on behalf of my mum. She has been on 3 lots of antibiotics this year...w...
BFlying profile image

Help! Diarrhea, left shoulder pain, nausea

Hi! I am experiencing chronic diarrhea almost on a daily basis . It is accompani...
Pumpkin2009 profile image

Hospital admissions

hello everyone, I was recently admitted into hospital again due to the severe ...
GKT1969 profile image

Chronic constipation

hi so I have been suffering with severe chronic constipation soft stools for al...
Liv12b profile image

SIBO and B12 deficiency and OCD?

Hi ,last week I searched so much online. I'm sure there's a link between my son'...
Holland72 profile image

Ibs related

Hi all me again so I took my self of laxatives I went to toliet for few days ank...


Hi, so I’m 50 now but have suffered from severe IBS since early childhood. I’ve ...
sickandsore profile image

Put yourself first and book an appointment with a dietitian.

As a paying member of The IBS Network, we are delighted to offer you a consultat...
IBSNetwork profile image

how long after antibiotics will a flare up disappear?

I had a uti and kidney infection for almost a month. I was given 3 sets of antib...
Avahw profile image

constipation and bloating

Ive been using docusate for constipation and worked for couple of days!! But now...
Bamboopanda profile image

Test results

Does anyone know much about test results for inflammation in stomache i did a st...
Netbet22 profile image

IBSC became IBSD

I have always been IBSC dominant so what happened over the last 6 months? It sta...
Edgar77 profile image

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