bio-feedback therapy : Hi, I have been referred... - IBS Network

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bio-feedback therapy

MyStar86 profile image
9 Replies


I have been referred for bio-feedback therapy and I just wondered if anyone has had it and what their experiences were of it. What does it entail and did you get any benefit from it?

Thank you 😊

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MyStar86 profile image
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9 Replies
meadfoot profile image

I have had my first bio feedback appointment two weeks ago and was referred due to chronic constipation. Colonoscopy showed nothing of note and my constipations was put down to functional bowel issues as my nerves and muscles in the gut top to bottom arent working so my peristalsis is almost non existent so I rely on a stimulant laxative every six days to empty my bowel. Any other type of laxative does nothing for me. I have an exceptionally health diet, am of good average weight and seemingly no bowel disease.

I was referred to a colon surgeon and he gave me other meds to try also referred me to bio feedback service. He was lovely to me.

So far after one face to face appointment I was not impressed at bio feedback. I saw a very inexperienced person who spoke to me as though I was some half wit who didnt know much about anything. I was immediately out off. Thought I was mad not to go straight to having a colonoscopy as many people do so. I think that sums up what I thought about their advice. Lets go to a solution of no return shall we, I think not.

Anyway I was given advice about toilet sitting position, timings, diet which was of no help as my diet is exemplary, exercise, which was useful I must admit. If none of that works, colonic irrigation is next step to be taught by nurse specialist how to do it then tackle it at home ongoing, followed by colonscopy if that isnt suitable, acceptable or doesnt work.

I will try the next session as session one has made no difference whatsoever. I am not ungrateful but just wish that the person was more understanding, less patronising and above all had more experience than someone just out of training school without a clue of what it feels like or how it mentally affects people.

Give it a go, you have nothing to loose. I will report back but my next session is just to feedback over the phone to see if anything has improved before referral for colonic irrigation I suspect. People are trying to help so have to be grateful for that. Best wishes.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to meadfoot

Thank you so much for your reply it was very helpful but I wasn’t looking forward to my first session before your message but now I really don’t want to go I’m only doing it to tick the boxes from my gastro. I was given medication which has made things a lot worse so I was hoping the bio feedback would be something practical as some places say they use electrical sensors to measure the muscle pressure etc not just talking to someone that sounds ridiculous when I am in such a seriously unwell state my bmi is only 14 and I am in agony 24/7. My problem isn’t constipation it’s CIPO and mild Gastroparesis I don’t think my gastro is understanding my problems as my bowels are loose but I can’t go on my own I have to lay down 5/6 times and roll into certain positions to enable myself to go and it’s agony I have stabbing upper right quadrant pain. I don’t sleep and I am exhausted battling pain and my bowels 24/7 it’s a nightmare I hate waking up every day and having to endure it. I can’t live any aspect of a normal life it’s just horrible I had to move back to my parents due to multiple health issues but the bowel issues are destroying me now I’ve just had enough 😞.

I have my first session on the 23rd so I’ll let you know how it goes and thank you again for your detailed reply 🙏🏻

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to MyStar86

The 5/6 times is 5/6 different times a day hence why I can’t have a life or do anything it’s rubbish.

meadfoot profile image

So sorry you are suffering so much it sounds horrendous. Dont give up on bio feedback until you see what they say. Your experience may be very different to my first interaction. I had already seen a colorectal surgeon. I was surprised they didnt do or even arrange any manometry tests to check things out. I thought that would be an automatic next step otherwise how do they full know whats happening on the inside.

Have you looked on line to see if your hospital has a bio feedback leaflet. That may give you some idea of how they might help you. Dont give up there will be help for you. Fight your corner until you get the help you deserve. You will get sorted please persist. Good luck.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to meadfoot

Thank you I have contacted the nurses secretary to ask if she has any information on the bio-feedback before my appointment so hopefully they will get back to me on that one.

I suggested a small bowel manometry test to my gastro and he said that they are very horrible for the patient and he didn’t want me to go through it and that would be a last resort. So we did the bowel and gastric emptying study tests first then he recommended the bio feedback prior to seeing the colorectal surgeon. I want to have an ileostomy to end my suffering but my gastro wants me to jump through a lot of hoops before I can get to that stage even tho this has taken 10 years of my life already it’s just he is a new gastro to me so I have to go through it all again which is deeply upsetting for me. I’ve previously had bowel surgery and had an amazing colorectal surgeon so I am going to go back to him to discuss and get his advice because I am at the end of what I can take now and he knows what I have been through given he has been part of some of my previous surgeries and wasn’t happy back then in 2021 about how I’ve been messed about by gastros so I am hoping he can help me and give me some guidance because I have been to him before for advice and he is amazing so that’s my hope at the moment. I’m going to do the bio feedback and get it out the way to tick this new gastros boxes even if it kills me suffering I just have to get on with it and prove I’m willing to do whatever it takes and let him exhaust all his options before I get the real help that I need rather than this airy fairy rubbish!!

Thank you again for your advice and help it means a lot xx

meadfoot profile image

Wishing you all the very best on this journey back to good sound health. Please remember nothing goes on forever, there will be an answer to your needs. One day this will all be a very bad memory and you will regain your health and strength. Be strong you can and will get through this. Thinking of you. X

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to meadfoot

Thank you so much that truly means a lot 🥲!! It does feel never ending at the moment I’m fed up of battling but my life is on the line so I will keep fighting. Big hugs and thank you again. Let me know how your next bio feedback goes xx

meadfoot profile image

Thats the spirit. Fight your way back to sound health, you can do it and deserve to. Thanks will let you know how I get on from my next session in September. X

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to meadfoot

I’ll let you know how mine go as I’ve got two booked for the end of this month so fingers crossed it’s of some use xx

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