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A little update
I am still using the niquitin lozenges but using the 2mg ones and only using 3-4 within a day. I use these at the times i feel my anxiety building due to the cravings and they are helping a great deal.
Craving a lot today
The niquitin lozenges have done their job and eased them pretty quickly but I have sucked on 7 of them today compared to the 3/4 I was managing with over the last week.
Nothing will get me to quit on quitting as I am seeing so many benefits to being a non-smoker but today has been a tough one.
It's been good some days but had a few days when I really needed a fag but I kept strong and took one of my niquitin minis I've also started on a menthol vape with zero nicotine I hope I can beat this
I've bought a vape and started taking niquitin minis (I've only had 2) today and not even used the vape yet it's going to be hard I know can anyone give me any tips please
5 weeks (10days nic free)
I used the clear niquitin patches for 25 days at 21 mg. I found them good, but didnt wear it at night, and didn't like having it on my skin.
I stopped using them when I realised I will never light up again, and have been nicotine free for 10 days.
HI - I use Niquitin Minis to help me stop - I am struggling to find them on the shelves and online! Anyone else found this?
Insomnia strikes again...03.07am
On another note nurse was very pleased with me on my 2 week check, have gone down to 10mg patches and am using Niquitin strips...very good, a lot better than the spray I had before, it made my mouth water and was not nice.Back again on the 16th to discuss where we go from there.
Hellooo! I'm back, loook what you lot did!
What thrilled me the most though was my reaction when faced with severe delays and thousands of people in Euston I rushed to Boots to buy some Niquitin before they ran out Whoopie Doo! Rather than rush to the first newsagent and go outside and smoke. Getting there!