One night with CBD oil Cured years of... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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One night with CBD oil Cured years of debilitating RLS

Reader5 profile image
17 Replies

Your posts changed my life. I only half-heartedly started reading RLS posts. I was used to being disappointed with anything I read about RLS. My daughters and cousin were highly intelligent, capable, and genuine in trying to help me take my Ropineral each night. After a couple of years of taking Ropineral, it started causing immediate nausea to throwing up my medicine unless I had eaten a heavy meal....A few crackers and milk meant immediate I'd be throwing up.

They ordered every vitamin, and mineral, or combination to help with RLS. My cousin has a doctorate in some kind of herbology. She owns an herb sho in Marietta, GA. She is brilliant and has studied, and continues to research natural cures for everything. I had the best iron supplement, Vitamin F, Magnesium, and a major liquid combined several minerals that I had to pour in liquid and drink each day, and a few supplements of metals, esp. silver.

Then about 1/3 of the time in spite of taking all my supplements during the day, and taking my Ropineral before RL started and having a very full stomach, I might still get RL or still throw up. I dreaded every night bc I'm 74 and live alone. The one feeling that makes me feel I'm dying when I'm alone at night is NAUSEA!

Could my nights get worse?I didn't know what y'all were talking about with Augmentin. I had no idea. A dictionary didn't mention RLS, but I learned.

After two good night's of sleep by increasing my mg from 4mg to 8mg. I had no RLS. I knew all I needed was a stronger dose Wrong!! After those first two days, nothing worked. I'd take the large dose, feel terrible for a couple of hours, then throw up 3 times, then have violent RLS all night so that I was so tired I could not stand up or string group of words into a sentence.

I asked doctor for Gabapentin. He gave me a prescription starting with a low dose that increases every few days

I tried 2 nights! My RLS was worse than ever.

The next thing I tried was compression socks. I had taken a CBD oil I ordered

It had no effect, but now after reading your blog I decided to try it again My son-in-law had some he rarely used, but my cousin had said it was the best. It cost about $80. I knew I couldn't have paid for that quality before. One if my two amazing daughters brought the oil right over. Yuck. I took a dropper full held it in my mouth 30 seconds. I had no RL for 3 hours. Then about 11:00pm (I go to bed early) I got RLS bad again. Daughters are still up. One tells me to take another dropper-full .

To my amazement it stopped my RLS for the rest of the night.


A DROPPER OF CBD oil twice during one night, I slept calmly and deeply almost a total of 14 hours bc of my exhaustion.

Those droppers of the highest quality CBD oil replaced my nausea medicine, my sleep medicine, and my Ropineral. Plus I didn't have to eat heavy food at night

To me it is a miracle.


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Reader5 profile image
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17 Replies

That’s great, Reader5. It’s a bit difficult to tell from your post - have you just started using cbd oil or is it a while since the events you describe in your post? Either way, I hope the relief continues for you.

Reader5 profile image
Reader5 in reply to involuntarydancer

First, To answer. HIGH quality CBD last two nights.

The nausea and dread had been going on the last two years (2017-2019) until 8/29/19.

As happy as I was the night of 8/29/19 - I wasn't going to assume Taking CBD oil the next night would prevent my restless leg. I

may be premature, but after a calm, restful 2nd night, I KNEW this was no fluke. I'd never slept calmly two nights in a row in two years.

Second: I failed to look over my first post before submitting it. I'm texting on a small phone.. Im embarrassed that sentence s and paragraphs are out of sequence. I added things in that ended up making a disjointed text. Glad u got omething.

LotteM profile image
LotteM in reply to Reader5

Don’t mind te typos. You text is still easy to read.

Madlegs1 profile image

That's great news.

Just wondering are you still on the Ropinerol?

And what is in the CBD Oil, especially the amount of thc?


Pammy2 profile image

Hi reader5, that's great news. I'm keen to try. Just wondering what strength was the CBd oil you used? Its only recently become available In the UK and is terribly expensive. Sadly it still has a bit of a stigma attached to it.

Jumpey profile image

Fabulous news.Long may it continue. Can you tell us what sort of oil it is and whether it contains THC ?x

Parminter profile image

Like Pammy, I would like specifics of your oil.

The amount of CBD per bottle should be available somewhere, particularly as you seem to have very clued-up relatives!

Also, is it a 'full-spectrum' oil, with small amounts of other cannabinoids, or is it pure CBD?

THC is the cannabinoid that conquers pain, and CBN helps with sleep.

Reader5 profile image
Reader5 in reply to Parminter

I hope u saw the details I listed from the bottle. I trusted my cousin to find the best oil. I know nothing.

For the first couple of years I did no research at all, took my Requip (Ropineral) and considered my RLS controlled and no big deal.

When no medicine worked, I did so much research online in one day that my right hand and arm cramped so I couldn't even type.

I discovered the nausea medicine I took to keep from throwing up fueled my RLS.

I learned my sleep medicine, Trazedon, caused RLS, so I quit taking sleep meds.

When I added back a muscle relaxer last night - 8/31/19, my CBD oil did not prevent RLS completely. I think the muscle relaxer, even with CBD oil, caused mild RLS

I'm not going to take muscle relaxer tonight.

Someone in this forum said they quit all medications for several months. I sort of did that. Then added one thing at a time.

It takes major discipline to add one thing at a time. Then have to determine what substances exacerbate the RLS. That meant experimenting to learn what makes RLS worse. After a miserable night each time the substance increased RLS , all I could think when exhausted the next day was, "Well now I know one more substance to avoid."

Parminter profile image
Parminter in reply to Reader5

I reckon that at least half of us on this site took our dopamine agonists like good little children.

Then everything went pear-shaped, or it will go pear-shaped. Horrid stuff.

I like the taste of CBD oil by the way. Yummy. And no need to fear.

solticeart profile image

you never listed details from the bottle, if you did it didn't post can you do that please? is pot legal in your state? that will help because if is not then your CBD won't have thc in it.

Reader5 profile image
Reader5 in reply to solticeart

Front of bottle:


The Therapeutic

ECS Care. 1500

Full Spectrum Hemp Extract

Another place on label:

Hemp-derived Cannabidiol-25mg

Still another area says hemp grown in states under federally approved... programs.

Contains<0.3% THC

Doesn't mean a lot to me. I'm new at using this oil.

During the 60s and 70s, with people my age experimenting with Marijuana and other mood-altering substances, I was at a university, majorly difficult academic requirements, strict dorms with no alcohol or cigarettes allowed. Right after graduation I got married, settled in small community with husband and 2 daughters. Divorced with girls ages: younger- 6months and older-3 years. Father skipped town

I taught secondary school and - to support my daughters - decided I needed to earn a master's degree by taking classes after school.

Now you might see my circumstances during "hippie" period caused me to live a sheltered existence. I know almost nothing about recreational drugs.

solticeart profile image
solticeart in reply to Reader5

HI thank you that helps. if it had NO thc at all then it won't work very well, it needs all parts of the plant to be able to help heal and stop any pain or help nerves. If you use hemp oil and it has 0.00 thc it's not going to do much. there's also a lot of so-called hemp oils out there that don't even have any CBD in them! So be wary of ordering online, do research on the actual company. It HAS TO HAVE FULL SPECTRUM to work. I use a tincture that has 20% thc and 80% CBD full spectrum so its got all the other parts of the plants that need to all be there for the body to be able to use it to do any good. Mine is a night time cbd called relief, they make a daytime one too but its 100 dollars a bottle and has 120 doess in it, and it doesn't get you high if you take the correct dose, if you take more yes you might get a buzz from it. I have to be careful because thc makes me paranoid so I take 1 at night which is enough to relax me so I can fall asleep. It does help but so far hasn't gotten rid of my rls for that I use kratom. The CBD does help so it's not very strong though. I think really its each persons body chemistry for what works and why one thing works for one person and not the other. so why it's worth everyone to try it. It does help and heals other parts of the body so it's doing good regardless. I'm happy it's working for you though.

Reader5 profile image
Reader5 in reply to solticeart

Major thanks for sharing your knowledge!!

Retren profile image

I in desperation tried the CBD oil and also the capsules not at the same time but thought the capsules would be easier. It was excellent for pain which I had due to excessive bruising all over from an accident involving the air bed I have however it did not have any effect on my RLS unfortunately also it was very expensive but would have hocked the car had it worked .I eventually managed to prevail on my neurologist to increase the number of tramodil and only hope it continues to work.As we all do let us hope the situation with medications improves.

Reader5 profile image
Reader5 in reply to Retren

Tramadol used to stop my RLS at first. I take Tramadol regularly, 50mg. The last 3 times I took Tramadol at night,my RLS was worse!

My comments are of little help bc so many variables could be involved....I repeat. The last 3 times I took Tramadol at night my RLS was significantly worse.

The one thing I think longtime RLS sufferers learn is that drugs connected with RLS can suddenly stop working, and - in addition to that problem, just as easily a drug that previously helped, can suddenly have the opposite effect from the previous one.

Much research needed, like one study has RLS possibly being the result of bad bacteria in the colon.

As discussed said, significant research is new.

Keep the faith 🙏❣️

Mirapexhell profile image

I've tried CBD oil but not 2 droppers full. I try to use CBD earlier in the day for pain in my hip and knee, but my RLS seemed worse if it took it with mirapex. I'm on a big dose of that, 1.25 and I hate it. I'll get brave and try 2 droppers before mirapex to see if it conflicts but we all know one night of hell with symptoms of electricity running thru your legs, hands and arms is so horrible I try n avoid it. Neither my doctor nor the neurologist she sent me to agreed to help me titrate down on mirapex. Guess I'll just do it myself but heard it could be dangerous and cause depression? Sheesh I sure dont need THAT. Thank you for your post, please update if CBD is still working. BTW have had RLS 10 years, getting worse and I'm 61.

SuperMNew profile image

Your information is very interesting. Please keep everyone up to speed about your progress.

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