I have suffered with RLS syndrome for 35/40 years or so. After many different medications I remained on Amitriptyline for years. My RLS became much worse earlier this year with severe jerking and very little sleep again. My GP put me on Pramipexole, to be increase from 1 to 3, as needed. I was ok on 3 tablets for a few weeks but then the symptoms returned with a vengeance. I spoke to my GP who said a I could increase to a maximum 5 tablets, and so my prescription was increased. I've since realised I've gone into Augmentation, my symptoms have been dreadful. I'm taking things into my own hands and am slowly weaning myself off Pramipexole (now down to 2 tablets). Two nights ago I had 2-3 drops of CBD oil (500mg). I slept really well the first night (still woke 3 times for the loo, but managed to drop off to sleep again). Last night I took a little more (I find it hard to judge how many drops are going in!) I was awake with a 'very strange head' between 1 and 2am, but then dropped off to sleep again.
Whether or not CBD oil alone will settle my RLS longer term I don't know, but it has certainly had a remarkable effect these last two nights.