Hi,I'm thinking of trying cbd oil for the rls,has anyone had any luck with it and could I pick people's brain's and ask for recommendations for the best type to get please?
Thanks Alyson
Hi,I'm thinking of trying cbd oil for the rls,has anyone had any luck with it and could I pick people's brain's and ask for recommendations for the best type to get please?
Thanks Alyson
My understanding is that unless it has a component of THC, as Medicinal CBD would have, then it is just a very expensive massage oil.Hopefully, someone with direct experience can advise better.
Thanks hun, so I suspected but as we do the search continues.... X
Yes, that was my experience. I tried CBD without any THC and it had no effect so my doctor gave me a prescription for 50/50 CBD and THC. it worked pretty well. I never had any feeling of being “high” and there was no hangover the next morning. I really wish more countries had an enlightened view of cannabis. Good luck!
I didn't have much luck on the THC or the CBD rubs. I had tried them both. BUT I have recently been approved for medicinal marijuana and the pharmacist gave me a ton of education on the various products. She said that I didn't try the oils long enough to see an effect? She said it would take a while to absorb through the skin and then eventually reach therapeutic levels. I don't have a study or anything to cite, just that she was quick to question me when I said that they hadn't worked for me.
Good luck and if you find something that works POST IT!
I have never tried rubbing the oil on the skin - I do take CBD oil and 2:1 CBD/THC. I also have medically prescribed cannabis bud via a vape pen which works wonderfully well as it is instant and quite strong and takes away that awful feeling in the legs and helps me to sleep. I live in Australia where it is legally prescribed.
I tried it internally, no effect on my RLS
I tried it internally as well, no effect in my case, either.
I use CBD capsules from Lazarus Naturals online. It works 95% of the time. And when it does break through, it’s really mild. I’ve been through all the usual RLS medications and had to quit because of augmentation or other side effects. I don’t have side effects with CBD. Be sure you use a reputable company that has a third party tests every batch. With CBD you start off low and slowly work yourself up to what works for you. I take 75 mg 2 hrs before bed. With Lazarus naturals, veterans can get a 60% discount. Good luck!
I'm currently using Althea THC20 prescribed privately through Project21/ Medical Cannibis Clinics. I'm titrating up and am finding that it is having some beneficial effects. I'm getting 3-4 hours relief from my RLS symptoms so I'm hopeful. CBD oil without THC isn't effective. As the name states there is 20% THC in this oil.
I am thinking of contacting project 21 /Medical Cannibis clinic as i am fed up with feeling ill with medication from doctors i also suffer from anxiety and depression through not sleeping well as legs keep me awake most nights how long did ypu wait for an appointment to see them
Go for it. I think it was a week. Good luck.x
I have a medical marijuana card and the only thing that helps me at night is a CBD/ THC vape. It works instantly for me!
How did you get a medical marijuana card and are you in England i am thinking of going to a private doctor who can prescribe this as meds i am on are making me fee ill and do you have any other illnesses and how much do you take as my rls comes on early evening
You don't need a medical marijuana card to vet help from Project21/ medical marijuana clinics. They contact your gp to confirm your health issues .
Just one more testimony: I found CBD alone to be mostly ineffective; however, when I began taking either a THC/CBD mix (has to be at least 50% THC) or a THC-only edible, my RLS became nearly completely controllable. I ingest around 5 mg of some kind of edible (I strongly advise against smoking) about an hour before bedtime. As I noted in another post, the THC should be either all indica-variety or at least a hybrid. The sativas tend to enhancer activity rather than relaxation or sleep.
I’m in England and so a criminal as I use cannabis with THC to help me sleep after nights of restlessness. I don’t like smoking but don’t have access to edibles. I tried organic CBD oil made locally and found it had no effect apart from the relief of massaging it in. We need to catch up with the rest of the world, people are seeking pain relief not a high.
CBD by itself has not helped my PLMD, but it has been helpful when coming off of medications that didn't work, mellowing out some of the rough edges. THC has helped with sleeping through leg movements, but I had to get stoned and go through an hour or so of whirling around mentally to make it work, which I always disliked. After a while the THC caused hangovers during the day. I gave it up.
i use evolved cbd 500 mg,i take nearly a full applicator of oil but also take 1 mg ropinirole taken just before bed and have slept very well since adding the oil to the drug regime.it works for me so maybe worth a try.good luck
just renewed my mmj card today. I try not to smoke (lungs) but make my own butter, then cookies. THC is my answer. I'll also purchase some tincture