A couple of weeks ago, at the end of week 7 of not smoking, I had a tightness in my chest and my heartbeat was a bit irregular at times. Went to the docs, he gave me an inhaler and said to go back if it wasn't any better. To be fair, I have felt a lot better. I don't know if I over did things yesterday, but my chest is aching again today, grrrr. I haven't got a cough, am not coughing up an phlegm, but it feels like a chest infection, if that makes sense. I have recently had acute sinusitis.I am sure that it's my body going through withdrawal symptoms, as I was a smoker for many years!
My question is, how long before I start to feel 'healthy'? I am now on day 64! Another 3 weeks and hopefully I'll be off the lozengers!
Apologies if it sounds like I'm whinging, I certainly don't intend starting smoking again, which I have done in the past when I have felt 'crappy'.
This is my best effort in a long time, I have been trying to stop for a number of years! Stopped for 8 months, started again, stopped for 6 months, stopped for a month on several occasions, started again, stopped for a week, more times than I care to mention!