DAILY CHAT. 20/06/12. WEDNESDAY - Quit Support

Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
46 Replies

Good Morning Guys and Girls.

Looks like it`s going to be a nice day today. Sunny and smokefree. :)

Anybody doing anything exciting today?

I nothing special happening today. :O

Will probably do a bit of shopping, then may be later on might go for a walk.

Whatever you have planned enjoy today and keep positive.

see you all later. xx

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jillygirl profile image
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46 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good Morning Jilly and everybody. Yes another nice sunny day - make the most of it.

Pete, I haven't disappeared, every time I tried to get on last night my computer crashed so I gave up. By the time I got on you'd all gone to bed. :o

I had a nice bike ride ending up on the prom in the afternoon. Can't cycle there July & August during the day so have to make the most of it now (weather depending). You get out in those shorts today cos you won't be able to the rest of the week. You can then go back to work sporting a tan and they'll all think you've been abroad! 8-) The painting won't run away! :D :D

Bin day today so that means start of week 8 for me- can't believe how these weeks are racking up - especially as tomorrow was my original quit date. So glad I went for it earlier. :)

Stay strong everybody and enjoy another smoke free day. :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

Morning all. For once it's sunny here in London as well 8-) Got up early and took the dog out for longer than usual, before coming back in to try and get some work done. I'll be 8 weeks quit on Sunday and feeling really positive. The last couple of weeks I've felt quite distracted and found it hard to settle to work, but yesterday's 11 hour day seems to have given me a kick start (although I was soooo tired last night) and today I'm going to get stuck in again. Hope you all have a great smoke free day and will catch up with what you've all been doing later :D

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Morning Jilly and all the other smoke free peeps! Beautiful day, day 15 for me can't wait to say 1 month! Still I'm half way there. Going to my Grandsons Christening on Sunday so will be the first social occasion since quitting, so I'm hoping temptation won't tap me on the shoulder! I've decided not to drink so it should be OK, fingers crossed!! Have a lovely day everybody.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to dawlol

So today is the start of week 3 - Congratulations! :)

I seem to have avoided party-type gatherings so far - should have gone to a barbie last Sat but gave myself all sorts of excuses not to go (especially as I knew there would be lots of smokers there :o ). I think the alcohol thing will play a big part in it - can't imagine getting sozzled then it might be SO tempting! Normally in England I don't drink these days but I'm dreading going abroad next winter. It will probably be ok as now I think of it, most people I know abroad have now given up so there shouldn't be so much temptation. :)

Have a good day.

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to andi22

Hi Andi. I was invited to my step daughter and her partner's for a meal at the end of my first week quitting, and turned it down. I didn't make an excuse, just thanked her very much but told her I felt grumpy and grouchy and also didn't think I could be in company with smokers without giving in and having to odd one - I told my best mate the same when she invited me out to dinner. I found people were really understanding about it, and didn't feel insulted. Happily, I've got over that now and am able to socialise with smokers again without worrying I'll give in to temptation - I'm sure it'll be the same for you when it comes to it :D

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

OMG I did'nt think of it as being the start of week 3 that's made me feel sooo much better, thank you andi! Unfortunately I can't avoid this one as it is my Grandson but I think it'll be fine. Like I said I won't drink (in fact I have'nt since I gave up the fags) and will take my inhalator so should be good. I'm going abroad in 10 days time and know the temptation will be huge but I'm gonna keep strong and keep puffing on my little plastic fag - never gonna give into temptation again - been there done that and bought the teeshirt many times over lol!! Anyway thanks again everyone this site is GREAT!!

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to dawlol

Hi dawlol. My biggest worry in fact is that I am going abroad in July. I HATE flying :( and am usually to be found outside puffing away until the very last moment. I'm going to make sure I have my inhalator with me for sure, although by that time I should be weaning/weaned off them. One thing that did occur to me though, is that you can't smoke once you get through security anyway, so I've had to put up with that for years! Well done to all of us who are keeping on keeping on :D

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner in reply to Finley2012

Yeah, also we can't smoke on the flight. I'll be puffing on my inhalator as well. Just wished they looked a bit more attractive rather than like an aid for women's monthly cycles...lol!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to dawlol

hi dawlol, you made me laugh about the look of the inhalator, i must agree with you. :)

by the way dont know if you read it on one of my previous blogs, but Boots do their own brand inhalator cheaper. its not much but they do put special offers on now and again. also they do 15mg. and 10mg.

Dont taste any different to the other brands.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good morning everybody, lovely and sunny here toooooo 8-) 8-) i'm getting as bad as Emjay with this noddin lark, seem to get later every day, and huh she hasnt sent me a postcard yet !! :(

Andi i've finished the painting now, just got the paper to hang, or shell i hang myself ?? :o so i might just get in the garden for a bit 8-)

Dawlol, i know what you mean about drink, thats my worst time, and those piggies dont half have a go, but i think its getting easier now, so just beware if you have a tipple. Keep strong your doing just great pal :)

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Well good morning! I was going to give you a shout earlier but thought I'd let you lie in even more! :o

I don't know how you can sleep so much - got back from spinning just after 8 when you were still dreaming. :X ;-)

Now you can leave the tinnies inside but don't go getting sunburnt!

8-) :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi, i just shut my eyes gal :)

I hope that your coffee morning went ok yesterday, and that you had a good gossip, and put the world to rights !! :D :D I shall be up early tmoz because i will have to do a bit of shopping, really looking forward to that!! :(

Just munchin on crunchie nut cornflakes now, see you soon

Pete :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Andi - you know when you say that your computer crashed, what actually happens????

Is it when you come on this site ??

Is it when your connecting to the internet ??

Do you have to reboot your computer ??

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

It's mainly at peak times ie in the evenings when everything's on a go slow. It also happens sometimes if I'm reading a new website for a long time. Last night I tried firing up straight away and it didn't even get that far! :o Don't actually know if it's to do with the broadband or my computer - just keep going until nothing works any more! :o :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Pete , :)

Hope your ok. Enjoy the garden whilst you can. Got a bone to pick with you! :O My hubby started to do some painting , after I told him that you were. Flippin eck :- its wheres my dust sheets , have you got an old towel where did i put the turps. He`s really getting me frustrated. :X But i havent gone for those piggies . I`m off for another walk get out of the way

You sound as if your very proficient (dont know if i spelt that right but sounds good) with the computer world wish i was, i am useless. .

OK off now gonna get some nora batty legs later.! :)

helena84 profile image

Afternoon everyone!

Sorry I cant get on here all the time, ive just been away for a couple of days with work which was good!

Sounds like everyone is keeping nice and busy - so as im fairly new to this how long have each of you been quit for now?

Helen :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to helena84

Hi Helen, it's in questions - 'where are you all up to with your quit?' This gives quit dates for some of the regulars. Not sure if Claire's put the new ones on yet?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Helena. nicew to have you back again. hope your ok . I myself stopped smoking on 5th April. not worked it out exactly. I think there is a blog somewhere with all our quit dates on. Emjay organised it. Although there are a couple of new members since then. Catch up later. xx

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Hi Helen, I've been quit for 15 days now YAY!!!

lilythepink profile image

Morning all

I know this is stupid but does anyone know what date it was that I first joined the community as recent non smoker? Daft really but I didn't make a note of the date I quit - musn't have been as confident then as I feel now.

Going to do a bit of shopping now we've got no bread! - check in again later - have a good day all you quitters

Love Lily tp

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to lilythepink

Hi Lily, good to see you here gal, just been looking back on the blogs, looks like you are on day 5 of your quit !! :)

Nice one gal, you keep at it, we are all with you.

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to lilythepink

Hi Lily, think you quit last Saturday - you can check back on these community blogs.

Great that you're still keeping with it. :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to andi22

Another check is to view your profile - just click on your picture - you can do it on anybody's if you want to find out a bit more about them (if they've written it up!) :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Helen, nice to see you again gal, yes Jillygirl is right, Emjay has got all our quit dates on a question blog- 6th one down !! :)

My dates changed to the 18th June, because i misshapped

Jillygirl, sorryyyyyyyy for getting your hubby painting!! :) i will keep quiet next time !! :D

Pete :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

dont worry pete. i think i am having one of my snappy days. :X not hit the piggies though. as you know it sometimes gets to you. I have had a walk, but not too far as i like to go out after tea. Dont want mi Nora battys getting any bigger! :D

Thanks for your support love. see ya later. xx

Lenne profile image

Hiya! How is everyone doing today? It's sunny down here but not too hot thankfully, I've been doing market research so that's been fun. Not!

Only seven more days until my 2nd month into quitting so that's cool, might plan something special.

I have to go to some family do this weekend and bake something to take with me. Any ideas, folks? Something simple that I can't burn would be cool :D

I hope you're all enjoying the weather and taking it nice and easy xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lenne

Aup Lenne thats fantastic gal, coming up to your 2nd month, and you are just one hell of a cooooooool dude gal :o :|

But about baking something to take with you on your family do, hmmmm i would try a salad!! :D :D if not gal, ask your nice man to help you cook something, although saying that!! i'm sure that Andi or Jillygirl will have a cake recipe for you!! :) Speak soon and love and loads of hugggs to ya gal :)

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to Lenne

How about making a trifle? My fave's a rum and banana one.

chop bananas and walnuts and cake, sprinkle rum on cake then raspberry jelly over all. Next day, layer of custard (proper from custard powder best as it sets solid ) When set, whipped cream on top and finish with walnut halves or pieces.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Andi-- I DO NEED That recipe gal, pretty please, and i will luv ya forever, and ever, yum yum :P :P

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Manjana amigo! You tell me which one. Nite

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Andi- I dont know your broadband provider , but i was with talk- talk and found that i kept getting timed out - which was very annoying !! :X But since i have been with BT broadband, if that happens i just refresh, and the page comes up again :) and carry on.

Also i have downloaded google chrome, which seams to be a lot faster than Internet Explorer and also i have not had any trouble with this site ''touch wood'' :D

If you think it is your computer, then i might have one answer for it!! :) Its called ''scan disc'' dont know whether you have used it before or not, but it checks your computer for errors, so if there is anything wrong it will fix it, or tell you !! It takes my computer about an hour to scan through, but it has got 183GB memory, so has a lot to check!! :)

If you want me to i will talk you through it, it's not hard to do :D :D

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Good evening. Have got on here using Google Chrome (don't like the font it gives me though :( ) Am with Talktalk. Have just renewed contract with them and they said I would get priority on the net but it seems worse than ever. Phoned them this morning - don't know where they all hang out - they always sound Chinese to me and when you ask them they don't tell you. :o Very frustrating - but I will try calling them again tomorrow! :P

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Andi, yes i know just what you mean, you ring them, wait for 20 mins, then you cant understand what they are saying, thats why i got rid!! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to monky

Andi--- look i will get you a phone number for BT, cus i think they will change contracts for you if you want, you do not have to stick with talk-talk!! :) :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Too late in the day to think about this, will look at it tomorrow, ta Pete, Love ya (as Jilly would say) :D :D :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Sorry Andi i'm only trying to help

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Lenne, hope your ok. As for something to bake, you could do what pete said and take a salad. Or make a jelly. but if you want a biscuit recipe or cake one let me know. I will dig one out for you. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

hi everone, well done for getting yet another day under your belt. Hope all you non smokers enjoyed today.

I am signing off now . done too much walking today. My ankles are like balloons. so i`m off to give them an ice pack. brrrrrrrrr, :(

see you all tomorrow. nite nite dont let the piggies bite. xx :)

andi22 profile image

You seem to pack in earlier and earlier Jilly, if you're still about, nite nite and see you in the morning.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Lillythepink, !!!!

I have just been on your profile, hope you didnt mind :)

Now then- the pic of your black Labrador !!!!

1- Go to the home page

2- just below your pic, it says ''change this'' - click on that

3- go to upload new-- on the right

4- then chose file

5- my documents

6- my pictures - then click on Max's pic

7- you will see a pic of Max appear

8- move your mouse over the pic- go to the top of Max's pic, and left click-and hold- bring the mouse down untill you see Max's head in the box!! :)

9- above the pic, click on ''crop save'' -- job done :D

10- then back to communities- which will bring you back here, hopefully :o :\

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

You on some kind of mission today Pete? :o :D :D

andi22 profile image

I'm just feeling really tired now so have got to go byebyes so I will say nite nite everyone, sleep well (try not to dream about those piggies :o ) and speak again tomorrow. x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

You cant go to bed at this time of night!! :o

you are allways telling me offffffffff

Huh thats what you tell me!! huh its allright when a Woman wants to go to bed isnt it!!!!! :P :P

If i can help anybody Andi , i assure you i will :) :)

Well i might as well go myself then, nite nite all, and i do wish that you have sweet dreams :)

Pete :)

shoegirl profile image
shoegirl30 Months Winner

Good Morning all! Stay cool today.I am happy to state that as of yesterday I have NOT smokes 400 bad puppies. Yeah for me!!!!!!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to shoegirl

Hi Gerri and welcome to our site. I see you're from across the pond so as you're posting when we're all tucked up in bed you seem to have slipped through the radar. Anyway, as Jilly wrote you a message in today's (Thursday) blog I thought I'd better investigate!

I see you quit on the 13th May so that's 5 1/2 weeks now which is fantastic! :) How did you manage it? Are you on NRT of some kind or did you go cold turkey like I did? :o

If you've been following us for a while you'll probably notice that we call them piggies, purely because of one members' typo a few weeks ago and it seems to have stuck.

Anyway, keep up the good work and speak again soon,


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to shoegirl

Hi there Shoegirl, its just great that you have found us, and not smoked 400 bad puppies, we call them piggies gal, Yeah for you toooooooo!!

I am not sure what the time difference is, but we seem to be missing you on the daily chat !! soooooooooo

If you go to the HOME page, you will see that there is a ''Shoegirl----Hello there !!'' blog just for you !!!! you can mail to us in there, and then we will mail you back from there, if that is alright with you??


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