I'm new to the site, just saying hi! 11 days ... - Quit Support

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I'm new to the site, just saying hi! 11 days quit :)

Carrie124 profile image
Carrie1242 YEAR WINNER
10 Replies

Hello everyone, well I have finally quit, I have been threatening to for about 2 years :) I was a smoker for 36 years, I smoked roll ups, probably about 25/30 a day. I recently went to the Dr with a few health issues and they did blood tests, it came back that I have too many red blood cells, I was advised that this is probably due to smoking and starving my blood of oxygen ... (Scary!) ...  I have now been quit for 11 days, I'm using patches, 16 hour, 25mg. I have been up and down really, on my second day I got a really bad cold, felt really ill, flu like for a few days but that has now gone. also been very emotional, could cry at the drop of a hat ....I feel so lost, I don't know what to do with myself, I have changed my routine so much that I just don't know where I am lol...I really want to stay quit, I have to stay quit and I will stay quit....but I am not finding it easy at all....I'm so pleased to have found this site so I can have a rant and get things off my chest....Hope not to get on everyone's nerves lol.

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Carrie124 profile image
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10 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Carrie, Welcome to quit support.  Very wise decision quitting.  You will be so glad you did.  It may seem  that things are not easy and you  may feel weepy  but  it is all the process of adjusting to a healthier body.  Like you say come on here moan and groan, rant and rave we have  good listening ears.


Let  me, Glolin or Monky know your quit date then can add it to our wall of winners and   award you your appropiate badge. 

Carrie124 profile image
Carrie1242 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Thank you Jilly, it really does help reading though what everyone else has to say and what they have gone through too, this will also keep me occupied when cravings do come up.....My quit date was Friday 23rd April 2016.

Maddyg profile image

Hi Carrie, welcome. I know how you feel , smoked about the same length of time as me. But you can do it. The first few weeks are the hardest , so hang on in there. Stay close to this site and we will support you. Well done 11 days is Fantastic :) Take one day at a time, and if you need help shout out someone will speak to you. We have a wonderful quit family support group here, who all know what you are going through. 

Maddy xx

Polly-PV profile image

Hi Carrie, welcome to this marvellous site.  Whether you need info, a rant, a cry, to commiserate or celebrate, you've come to the right place. We're all rooting for you!! Much love, Poll x

Andrew-S profile image

Hi Carrie, you sound just like I did around 11 days quit. It is horrible and there are some trying times ahead for you. But it is worth it and it does get easier. You're right in the thick of the worst part right now so know that it won't get any worse and will get better. 

Glad you got patches to help you through. You can use another NRT to help with sudden cravings as well. I used 3! What ever works and gets you through. Come on here and have a moan or a laugh or get advice we will all be here for you. 

Welcome 😀

Briarwood profile image

Hi Carrie and a big warm welcome to quit support😊

Congratulations on your quit, 11 days is brilliant🚭👏🏼👏🏼

Yep this is unfortunately a difficult task but with the help of this great quit family, it really can be done. One day at a time is the best way forward. The first few weeks take a lot of adjustment but it will be worth it. Please be patient with yourself and drink lots of water to flush out the toxins. Excercise is also very helpful in getting through the difficult times. Have a look at the pinned posts about breathing techniques and distract yourself from the cravings. Lots of craving buster tips in the pinned posts. 

We do feel lost initially but all we've really lost is 4000 plus chemicals every time we light up😩

We say NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭🚭 

Good luck and shout if ya need anything👍🏼😊

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Carrie124, a big warm welcome to our quit support community :) and a massive well done to you for putting YOU FIRST for once and quitting the smokes :) :) 

Ok Carrie, your going through the flippin hard bit of quitting at the moment and I assure you that what your feeling now is all part of the quitting and will get easier as you go on :) and I see our lovely members have given you some great advice :) :) 

As you can see, your now the proud owner of a 1 weeks Winners badge :) :) Please Carrie, if you look to the right of your post, you will see Pinned Posts :) or if your on a mobile device then just scroll down from here :) There's lots of help there :) try to keep busy, exercise and drink lots of water cos it all helps us :) and please feel free to come on here and flippin VENT gal, cos that also helps us :) :) 

The more you beat that mr cig, the weaker the cravings will become :) We have a mantra on here Cassie, NOPE, Not One Puff Ever :) you stick to that and you wont go wrong :) :) 

Good luck :) Pete :) 

Carrie124 profile image
Carrie1242 YEAR WINNER

Wow! Thank you all for such a lovely welcome and all the encouragement....I can honestly say I am feeling really positive this evening and I'm sure it's thanks to all of you.....long may this feeling last 😆. I will keep posting and reading posts for all the tips I can get..thanks again x

Carissa28 profile image
Carissa2810 MONTH WINNER

Hi Carrie,

have a look at the pinned posts about the deep breathing, my emotions were so out of control especially the first, I would be sitting there and just start trying, I wasn't happy, or sad or anything, it was my body releasing and detoxing from smoking.  I used cigs to suck in all of my feelings for about 12 years and those 12 years of feelings all came pouring on out!

it does get easier, I'm not going to lie, there are days that I still struggle, sometimes a few moments, some times longer.  But stay close to the site, and vent on here all you like :)

I see other members have already given great advise, and so now I would like to pray for you, for both emotional & physical healing from this addiction, as I pray for everyone on this site. 

I'm going to post another prayer today shortly that is helping me get through.  Hang in there!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Carissa28

:) :) :) xx

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