Now I have found this site I am determined to... - Quit Support

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Now I have found this site I am determined to quit.

sarahzante profile image
18 Replies

I started smoking 29 years ago when I was 20. I was smoking 20 cigarettes a day which increased to 30 about 2 years ago. I am currently going through a divorce and have custody of my 2 children. For the last 2 weeks I have been using an e-cig and have managed to reduce my cigarettes to about 12/15 a day. I really want to quit completely and any advice on preparing for the big day would be appreciated.

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sarahzante profile image
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18 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi there sarah and welcome to quit support, I am no expert on e.cigs but there are some members who will be able to help you. Emjay our advisor will contact you and be able to help you . You have done really well reducing the cigarettes so at least you have a good start. Ok will let Emjay know she is needed. :) :)

Muddles profile image

Hi Sara and welcome :)

I'm certainly no expert but I know the clever ones will be on later to give you some clever tips. I just wanted to say that you've come to the right place for support for your quit journey. Everyone here is so friendly and helpful :)

My quit date was December 23rd and I am using Champix. I've had a few little hiccups along the way but am happy to say that I'm nearly at 4 weeks totally smoke free!!

Best of luck with can do it!!!!!!!!!

Cheers Mardi (tasmania Australia)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hi Sarah, welcome to the madhouse :)

My back ground very similar to yours and I am on an e cig too. Like you I joined the group while cutting back and using an e cig.

My best advice is choose a date.... Any date but have one set in your head to simply not buy any more smokes. I chose February 1st for my date to become smoke free. See it as a two prong attack, so become smoke free first and just use you ecig with the strength of nicotine you where having in you fags. Before my date I tried a day just on the e cig and realised I got what I needed from it so never actually went back to real cigs! Assuming your ecig has nicotine in once you change your mind set it is not so hard Hun.

I think maybe as your quit date approaches make sure you are only buying 10 real fags so that is all you can have in a day. Don't be tempted to buy 20 with the idea 10 today 10 tomorrow as let's face facts none of us would do that lol!!!! Also when you feel the urge for a fag try your puffer first and try and get used to the idea that you are getting the nicotine you need but not all the poisons, it quickly becomes more enjoyable when you are not inhaling 4000 poisons.

I have only been smoke free for a month and not even considering dropping my nicotine down yet but missbiccie and I have buddies up so why not join us as we will then all use the ecig and can reduce down together..... In time lol :)

Oh and on a better note I have saved over 300 pounds now so just think 3 months of not smoking you and the kids can go for a break to Spain, relax and forget about divorces and stress for a week :)

Good luck Hun,pop on here often especially if your craving throws a tantrum just the distraction helps and you can have a giggle at same time.

Hopefully yellow snowdrop will pop buy she is now off her ecig and has good advice to offer x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Sarah, I'm sorry but I dont know much about e-cigs, soooo I will just welcome you to this lovely quit site :) :)

There is just one thing gal, it sounds like you have been through it, what with the divorce and the custody for the children, that must have taken so much out of you gal :o so maybe now you can settle down a bit, sit yourself down and ask yourself WHY you want to quit ? get yourself focused and positive on what YOU want to happen :) :)

Good luck, Pete :)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER

Hey Sarah. Just popping by to offer you a welcoming lollipop

sarahzante profile image

Thanks to you all for your welcomes. Decision has been made. Today is the big day. Have chosen today as I live in Greece and it is the Childrens Carnival Day. As I am doing this for my children as much as myself, I thought it would be appropriate. E-cig batteries fully charged, so lets do it.

xxxyz profile image
xxxyz5 MONTH WINNER in reply to sarahzante

I hope the e-cigarette works for you. But I found Chantix more helpful because you get nothing out of the cigarette it blocks the receptors sites that give you the high. I have a daughter who is now addicted to eat cigarettes and smokes those with a vengeance and she never hardly smoke that a half a pack or less a day.. And I wish you the best. I still have my moments and I remember certain things I do that would make me want to cigarette but I just keep telling myself I’m not a smoker anymore. Good luck with that I’ll be praying for you

Lenne profile image

That's wonderful news! *does happy dance*

Just remember you have full support, if you need help give us a shout- you can do this! xxx

sarahzante profile image
sarahzante in reply to Lenne

Thank you.

Kaprin profile image

Congratulations on making such a good decision, wishing you all the very best, shout on here if you need help there is always someone around, good luck x

sarahzante profile image
sarahzante in reply to Kaprin

Thank you

yellowsnowdrop profile image


Well done on making the best decision ever.Stay with us here and we'll all get you thru.I,like Pinkiezoom,quit using an ECig,I'm now nearly 6 months smoke free and 6 weeks nicotine free.Think maybe that I'm a bit of proof that with some determination and your trusty Ecig it can be done.Good luck and PLEASE shout if you need help.Helen

sarahzante profile image
sarahzante in reply to yellowsnowdrop

Thank you. I think I am going to be shouting quite alot over the next few days.

andi22 profile image

Hi Sarah and welcome. Good luck with your quit and look forward to you joining in the chat. We'll help you keep on track. Andi. :)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hi Sarah how are you getting on Hun? Hopefully managing ok I hope. X

sarahzante profile image

How am I getting on? I think I am doing great. day to quit....didn't go too good. Got into an awful argument with my head strong daughter and reached for the 2 cigs that were left in the packet. So Sunday had 2 cigarettes, but since then I haven't smoked any. When I think about smoking I just tell myself I don't smoke anymore and reach for the e-cig. Thanks for all your encouragement. x x

Muddles profile image

Woohoo good for you Sarah!!!!!

Omg kids (especially daughters!) will do it and I'm just glad mine are all grown up and not living with me while I'm embarking on my quit trip!!!!

The first couple of weeks were the worst but emjays advice got me thru which was that a craving really only lasts 3 minutes. So what's 3 minutes in the big scheme of things? It's nothing!! Keep strong and keep going! You can do it!!

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Sarah how are you getting on? X

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