Hello all! My name is Jazmin I live in New York and came about the discussion thread by chance while looking up symptoms such as bleeding gums after quitting smoking. I must say has been terrible but thank you all for the information on the common symptoms. The pleasant posts were helpful so I decided to join. I quit after 22 years. 3 weeks almost since I quit (this Sunday is 3 weeks). Im 33 and finally feel what it's like to breathe fresh fall air. Feels good although I'm eager for more time to pass. Really only felt better or rather like myself the past two days. Prior days were kinda tough. It's been a tough ride with the changes. I never thought I'd make it this far. Always thought this one addiction would never be overcome and would ultimately be my demise. Ty.
Hi All! I'm Jaz from New York : Hello all! My... - Quit Support
Hi All! I'm Jaz from New York

Hi Jaz and welcome to our friendly forum. Congratulations on beating the nicotine beast,
Great to hear you are feeling the benefits of being SmokeFree
Please do keep posting on here as all your experiences will really help others who are battling away.
New York....one of my favourite places, good to meet you
Hi Jasmin and Welcome. This is a great forum, with loads of support and tips, just being on here and knowing so many people are battling the nicotine demons helps me loads
Well done on 3 weeks quit
We can do this,

Hi Jazmin congratulations! You are nearly through the most evil bit of quitting, if you've got this far you can do it I know. There seems to be all sorts of little hiccups when you stop, as this forum will show you, I've managed to keep on quitting because of this site the support is great and you can have a shout and a scream if you feel bad as well, someone comes to your aid. Good luck.

Hi Jazmin, I am also at three weeks again... gave up for six months smoked again for four months and quit again with champix tablets. Please remember it is easy to slip up so keep your eyes open for nasty nic creeping up. Good luck and keep going.
Hi Jazmin and welcome to our lovely community. It's great that you've managed to get to nearly 3 weeks and now found us. I think most people find us when they're looking for advice to do with their quit. I quit 18 months ago with the help of all the lovely people on here. Good luck with your quit and I look forward to seeing you on here again soon. Andi

Hi ya Jazmin, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site
Nearly 3 weeks quit, thats just great, but please remember, to keep focused and positive eh,and you will make it gal
If you want to know anything, then just ask !! or if you just want a moan, then come on here and flippin moan gal eh
Hope to speak soon Jazmin, Pete