Hi everyone i have looked at this site many times but was not ready to quit. Last Sunday night my life changed, i suffered a heart attack i day off my 51st birthday. i have not smoked since. I am now home after having 2 stents put in and would love your support and help to stay smokefree.
New to the site: Hi everyone i have looked at... - Quit Support
New to the site

Welcome to our happy place J160 :0)
Stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can to to prove your health. Your heart will be ever do grateful... Your purse or wallet will too!
Have a good old rummage around through all our blogs and questions. There's plenty more in the archive section too. If there's anything you want to know, or can't find please just ask away and I'm sure between us all we'll be able to help you out
Are you using any form of NRT or other therapy to help you quit or are you going cold turkey?
Staying as positive as possible is key to your long term success :0)
You can do this!
Welcome Jl60
Your emotions must be wrecked.
Take it easy for a few weeks till you come to terms with what has happens.
My two mate have stents and I play golf with them two times a week.
Don't panic .A heart attack nowadays can be treated with modern day medicine.
Wish you the best of luck.
I quit smoking six weeks ago.started using a e cig. I found them great. Don't need it much now.but it's there if I need it. Kevin
Hi J160 and welcome to our lovely community. It will be tough at the beginning but with everyone's help and support on here you'll be able to do it - I know that's how I managed it and am sure I would still be smoking if I hadn't found this site. There will be times when you want a rant or just be a bit daft so come on and join in the chat - it will help take your mind off it or we can try to answer any of your questions.
A friend of mine (female) had a heart attack at about age 51 too and I was quite shocked at the time because I thought that it was only men that had them at such a young age. She was a smoker too and hasn't smoked since but she has put on rather a lot of weight!
Good luck, Andi

Hi J160, Welcome to quit support. Its the right place for support. I hope your recovering well.
Its amazing how you can stop smoking when you have to. I stopped last year about 6 months before being diagnosed with lung cancer. I am so glad I stopped, I couldn't have coped or probably been here if I hadn`t stopped. However everyone on here helped me through the bad times. Now I have just had the all clear from the hospital for three months.
Good luck and stay positive. xx

Welcome to the site and I am sorry about your illness. It is surprising how it affects us, I was diagnosed with cancer and that was the fright I needed to make my mind up that I have to stop. I have tried on numerous occasions, but I suppose if I now think about it, half-heartedly, doing it because i was expected not because I wanted to., I am now 10 days free of smoking and it is this site and the support from the members that has kept me going. Keep coming on and reading the blogs and you will see that everyone is or has been going through the same withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Good luck and hope to speak soon. Suecx
Welcome to this superb site. It really is full of great people. I've only been on here about two weeks or so... I'm just on day three, but feeling not bad at all so far. Hope you recover quickly, being a non smoker will be the best thing you can do for yr health. Very best wishes. Gill

Hi J160, I'm only 3rd day on here myself, cold turkeyin it. Sorry to hear about the attack, huge wake up call eh? Just ride the cravings like a wave, the good think is they only last 10 seconds! That's what is helping me, sometimes it helps when ya know your not the only one suffering!!! Good luck mate ;0)
My Mother in Law had a stroke in November. She was in hospital for 8 weeks and as she can no longer walk she didn't have a cig for that whole time, they did give her patches though...
Since she came home she went back onto them... Like I said she can't walk so can't get them herself, my Brother in Law has been supplying her... Personally i refuse! (Not just because I'm the evil in law... lol)
She made the decision to quit fully on her own and she has now been smoke free for 3 weeks!
J160 you can do it... Just keep your head clear and focus on why you're doing it and if you do have a little slip don't beat yourself up, we are addicts and it is hard.. xxx
Hi, as each day goes by you will find its gets better and you will benifit from the no smoking, I gave up six months ago now and it was the best thing I have done in ages, Hope you start to feel better soon.

j160, so sorry to hear your news. Keep going and if you need help there will be a no smoking clinic in your area I would think. I am on champix, and they are really helping. Take it easy, one day at a time. Just think in a few months you will feel like a new person. Good luck, and keep well xx

J60, I'm so sorry to hear this, like the others said, take it a day at a time, you'll get there and we'll all help you, hope you feel better soon xx

Thank you all for your support its been brilliant to know so many are going through and beating this habit. I am on the 11th day now and although i had this overwhelming urge to smoke today i sat down on the internet instead. The cough has started but im looking at that as a good sign.

Well done to you J160 You're right about the cough, if it's a dry tickly one it's a sign that all those little tiny hairs in your nose and throat called the 'Cillia', are just trying to get back up and 'do their job'. Obviously if your cough lasts more than 2-3 weeks then it's worth a visit to your Dr. and let him / her know that you've stopped smoking.
You are doing brilliantly