Today is day 13 and I feel exhausted like I just want to sleep and for the last three days I've had really bad indigestion. Does anyone know what is happening to me? I'm wondering if the indigestion is a side effect from nrt.
DAY 13: Today is day 13 and I feel exhausted... - Quit Support
DAY 13

Hi Wendy,
sorry to hear that you not feeling the best.
I am not sure if the indigestion is from the NRT as I quit cold turkey. However, I did get heartburn really bad for a a couple of weeks, it came out of nowhere and left the same way.
Honestly - everything quitting throws at us does pass - some things take longer than other..I just liken it a roller coaster with all the ups and downs or waves on the ocean..just run with it - it will pass

Hiya Wendy, smoking has a huge effect on our digestive system and when we quit, it's going through huge changes and can cause many different problems like bloating, constipation and indigestion😩
The exhaustion is your body healing and as its busy renewing cells etc, there's very little energy left for anything else.
Please be patient as your body is going through all this, it's remarkable healing abilities take a bit of time to sort it all out.
The good news is it will pass so hang in there coz you're doing great👍🏼😊

To paraphrase the post above: This to will pass.
BTW: I believe it is possible for NRTs to cause nausea -- especially if you are getting too much nicotine delivered.

Hi Wendy
Indigestion gas, bloating bleeding gums. I had it all with NRT
Work your way through it. In a few weeks you will get used to it. as you reduce it will settle down and get better.
You are so doing the right thing. Keep going.
Don't be a slave to this thing that will strip you of money, health and eventually your life.
All for the sake of a 5 minute buzz
Well done on the week, one of the hardest parts.
Love Jim

Exhaustion is a bad side affect!!! The emotional roller coaster of quitting is horrible. The trick the cigs played on us all is just crazy really. I went cold turkey, so I dunno about the indigestion. But the exhaustion - whew! You are making good strides with being on day 13, you will get your new badge tomorrow! Good for you!
Keep up the quit!
Ahhh Wendy sorry your feeling the effects of quitting but like the others have said, it will pass so just hang in there hun your doing sooooooo well 😊😊😊
I did push a poll we did a while back onto the news feed yesterday for Debbie-t.... On it we have listed the side & withdrawal effects we each experienced throughout our quit. You may find it useful 😊😊

I used to get indigestion when using the gum, stopped after a while but don't chew it for lo g before resting it if using gum