Daily chat/13/06/2013: Good morning, I hope... - Quit Support

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Daily chat/13/06/2013

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
20 Replies

Good morning,

I hope everyone is ok. The weather in Yorkshire doesn`t seem to know what to do today. I hope it is fine for you , wherever you are.

Nothing planned for today except waiting for solicitors to call (again).

Off for a cuppa now.

Enjoy your day and stay positive and HAPPY! :)

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jillygirl profile image
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20 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly, yes, weather trying to decide what to do here too. Better than yesterday though, didn't stop raining all day, had to put the heating back on and hibernate. :(

Just back from pt session, he says I've lost another pound this week. :) This weekend could be a bit tricky for me though, especially Saturday. I'm supposed to go to a coffee morning (cake), garden visiting (cream tea) and barbecue in the evening. :o Somehow I'll resist the cake, cream tea and probably not go to the barbecue cos it's not just the barbie, it's all the mindless grazing you can do as well. :P AND I'm supposed to be going out for a carvery lunch on Sunday, so we'll see. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning :D

Well, I am at my desk with a decent cup of tea and one huge slice of carrot cake and it isn't even 10 bells! I am so weak!

I hope everyone is stronger than me towards their quit date, maybe I need to plan and set myself a quit cake date!

It is nice though :o

AeonTremor profile image


What a lovely day and hello all and sundry.

sue52 profile image

Good morning all,

It's lovely and sunny here so i might go for a walk later, we're getting wall to wall rain tomorrow though.

I love your pic Jillygirl :) it brought a smile to my face :) hope you get rhat phone call today :)

Andi if you manage to go to all these events and stay away from the cakes your a stronger woman than me :D :)

Emjay i may have to join you on a quit cake date, just can't resist them :)

Have a happy smoke free day everyone :) xx

AeonTremor profile image


A fractal image that I was messing about with. Not over-keen myself but someone might like it.

Betts profile image

Good morning everyone

Like you Emjay, all set up now, but coffee, and no cake. I start the day like a saint on the food front, no desire for anything sweet, but come the evening........! Enjoy your cake :) Mine will come later :)

Good luck with that delicious food trail Andi!

I was talking to some very toned and slim friends who all seem to be managing by doing 'just 2 fast days' a week.! 'JUST'! How can that be just! They have wills of iron!

Lovely pic jillygirl :)

Glad you've got the sun Sue, very mixed here, but that's OK, less likely to dump the work and walk into the woods and fields. Hair washed already. I am trying to replace the work fags with a short activity, but the activities are sort of extending. Still, nice and clean and manicured already and a few lines written :)

Have a good smoke free day all :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello everyone. been shopping. trolley exercise. Had lunch now just waiting for a phone call.

Made me feel hungry all this talk about cake. but I am being good and having some melon instead. :)


EmJay profile image

Good Afternoon :-)

I have just counteracted that large slice of cake fro this morning, with 2 large pieces of pineapple :D How disciplined am I then? No more cakingtons for me :-) A happy face because I'm pleased that I feel this way about not wanting it anymore. Maybe this is the kind of process required when stopping smoking ;-)

I hope you get that phone call JillyGirl :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Thanks Emjay, Still waiting (yawn)

I am going to back as a solicitor next time round. Got more lunch breaks , and meetings from 10.00am to 4.00pm than anyone else. Then when you call they have gone home. Might get moved by next Christmas at this rate. :P

Nearly forgotten what the flat looks like.

Good on you Emjay, resisting the cake. keep up the good work twiggy. :)


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

should have said going to come back as a solicitor.

Betts profile image

Hope it gets moving and you get that call quick, jillygirl!

Good on you, Emjay. I am still resisting cake, had a couple of nectarines, and won't say no to a reviving coffee which is beckoning :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

got my phone call , but still no date. Its like pulling teeth. How many enquiries they need I don't know. They are on nearly 11weeks now. They are calling again tomorrow. fingers crossed again. So glad I aren`t smoking I think I would have had about 40 cigs already today. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


feel better now. :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Aup Jillygirl :)

I tell you what gal, now you've quit smoking, your getting a lot younger lookin, hmmmmm quit erm, fancyable actually :) :) even though you have lost it and shoutin.

Oooooooo I do like you when your angry :o :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Another Buddy Holly May be baby I`ll have you for me. :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good evening everybody :) :)

Jillygirl, juuuuuust love the pic gal :) :)

Betts, you sorted your heads out yet gal ????

Emjay, as for you quittin cakes gal, erm, a song come to mind, a song by Buddy Holly :o :D :D

I wonder if anybody can guess the title of the song ????

andi22 profile image

Good evening everyone.

Hope you had a good day at work Pete. :)

I can't think of any song by Buddy Holly - he was a bit before my time and I'm not sure if Emjay will have even heard of him! :o :D :D

Good evening everyone

Hope you have all had a good day apart from the weather that is because it's been raining on and off here in Yorkshire.

Have excelled myself today by doing two blogs - one a nice one and the other my usual rubbish drivel etc. Read if you like I can take criticism today - couldn't yesterday but can today.

Hope everything in your garden is blooming Pete and that the frog is eating all the slugs and stuff.

Like Andi, I can't think of a Buddy Holly song but I can think of Sweets for my Sweet by The Searchers!!

Jillygirl, I always think of fuddy duddies when I think 'solicitor' and they sure no how to take their own sweet time for doing stuff but I bet they don't take anywhere near that long to give you your bill when it's all finished!

Betts, hope you've had a super day and a better one today and whichever head you pick I'm sure it will be pretty and very intelligent.

EmJay, you're just too good to yourself - no cake and fruit - both have lots of sugar but as I've always said, it's not the sugar that puts weight on you it's the fat so fruit is definitely bestest!

Have a lovely rest of the evening all - off now to catch up with a news then bed as stopped up late last night and didn't sleep too well as a punishment - must have been overtired.

Take care everyone and luv and hugz to one and all

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite everybody :)

I wish you all a lovely nights sleep :) you get them batteries charged up for tomorrow, and its Friday tomorrow, then the weekend yippeedippydoooooooo :D :D

Sleep is a big big healer :) :)

Emjay, - That'll be the day - ermmmm think its time I wasnt here Whoooooooosh :D :D :D

elissa profile image


well, I have been smoke free for 13 hours,have eaten myself out of house and home but at least I didn't smoke,hopefully I can have a successful day tomorrow.

Betts profile image

Hey, Elissa, that is WONDERFUL!

Huge congratulations getting that under your belt - 13 hours smoke free that is, not the house full of food :)

It doesn't matter how you get there, or what you eat, it is the best achievementnm

Sleep well, and proud :)

Sweet dreams all xx

(I am taking my head off for going to bed now ;) don't need it! Just lots of lovely zzzzzzzzzs)

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