DAILY CHAT/THURSDAY/29/08/13 : Good morning... - Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
22 Replies

Good morning everyone,

Well I hope everybody is ok, and not hiding from this site. Yesterday was very quiet,

however as long as people are at least reading the posts its a good thing.

Quitting is not the easiest of things to do, many of of us struggle, however if your patient with yourself you will overcome the habit. Like they say patience is a virtue.

Any problems just post them on here , we will do our best to help.

If you want to keep it private, post a message to Emjay or Eye or Jarvo our quit support advisors. Just go into your profile and then click on the messages.

Thursday and its getting near to the weekend again, yet another week on the quitting calendar :)

Just think all the money you are saving by quitting. You could save it up and treat yourself for christmas. :) I am sure someone will work out what 4 months of ciggy money adds up to.

Have a lovely day. xx

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jillygirl profile image
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22 Replies
quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Morning Jilly & all

Just to say still around and hope today will be easier than yesterday. I will be patient and give myself time to recover.

Best wishes


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Jonathan , I am sure today will be a better day for you.


sue52 profile image

Hi Jilly, Jonathan and all,

I've not been on here much lately worried about my brother still he's not been up and he's never been in when i've gone to his house, between his mental illness and not being able to hold on to his money he often runs out of food he must be malnourished by now, i've phoned everybody i can think of and i'm getting no help anywhere :( i just don't know where to turn now. Sorry about the moan everyone but it was that or smoke 20 cigs and i don't want to do that after all this time, it's been 11 months now since i quit, which i only managed with all you lovely peoples help

I hope today is great for you Jonathan, your doing brill :)

I love your pic jillygirl, it's so true, it is never too late to quit, and with patience it is possible, I know that helped me, along with nrt and all on here :)

I hope you all have a great day whatever your up to :) x

in reply to sue52

Sorry to hear about your brother Sue, you must be very worried now. It's awful when you have a constant niggling worry that just won't go away, I know how you feel. I'm same as you and have to keep telling myself that even if we smoked, the exact same problem would still be there but we'd just keep puffing away hoping it would make everything OK but obviously it never does.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Sue, Sorry your still having problems with your brother. Have you tried his doctors for help and support. I know it isn't an easy one this sort of problem. Even your own doctor may help. Hope you soon get sorted. If I think of anything else I will pm you. take care. xxx

sue52 profile image

Thanks Jillgirl, i appreciate that, what a kind person you are :) x

Eye_ profile image

Hi Everyone,

been a busy day here for me so sorry I haven't been on here.

Sue, sorry to hear about your brother, must be such a worry for you, jillygirls advice is good.

Jonathan hope your day has been easier.

I will pop on here this evening if it lets me....couldn't get on the site last night.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Eye_

Hello Eye, so good to see you , if you have a problem getting on site later just shout of Pete. He will come running to help you.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Just a quick comment , If Veecatz is reading this while starting her chemotherapy. We all wish you well. Keep strong and focused. You kicked old nic in to touch. now kick big fat Mr C. into touch. you can do it. :) xxxxx


Well. Went out at lunch time for a stroll as I'd already eaten my lunch and I wanted a puff of my e-cig. Was already surprised to find one of my work colleagues come in this morning carrying a pink e-cig, apparently she's been using it 2 weeks and is doing fine. But then at lunch time she was walking back down the road puffing away on her 'pen', I'm walking up with mine and along comes another colleague who was smoking last week and she had an e-cig. Lots happen in between when you only work 2 days a week. So there we all are stood on the corner discussing flavours, strengths etc and our other non smoking friend felt quite left out. She's never smoked, said she might bring an empty biro out with her tomorrow, as she feels a bit out of it :D

The other girl from our ex band of merry smokers is on holiday this week, but I know for a fact she won't want to be left out and since she already has an e-cig and was using it up til a few weeks ago, I'm sure she'll be resurrecting it. So that's a good do isn't it. That means there are very few smokers left at our place and even one of them, (he's got to be at least a 30 a day man) was asking me the other week about lozenges and whether to try them just to cut down a bit. He's on holiday too but you never know, when he comes back and finds all these e-cig vapour people he might have a go himself.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

That's brilliant , local newsagent will be selling out of biros if you all carry on. Just shows you only need a little encouragement. well done to all. :)


Eye_ profile image

Ha ha jillygirl, how do you find all those funny pics , that one of Pete really made me giggle

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Eye_

Probably cos I am just as silly. My granddaughter who is 11yrs. says she loves me to bits and I am so funny. Not everyone has a granny that makes them laugh. My daughter just tells me off for being daft. :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Ok Pete, if you manage to call in. I have solved your problem for er in doors nagging you. Monkey the cat I should say your cat, is going to take your place . She wont know the difference. :D :D :D :D


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Ha ha ha ha Hey Jillygirl, that flippin is me gal :o :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to monky

loooooooove your new hair dooooooo, by the way Jillygirl :o :|

sue52 profile image

That's such a funny pic Jillygirl :D :D :D :D i love it :)

That's fantastic that you've got all your workmates following in your footsteps Sin :)

I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm off to have my shower then bed, see you all tomorrow

nite nite all, sweet dreams :) xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Nite nite Sue, enjoy your shower and try to get some kip tonight eh, and am sure your brother will turn up :) :) Sweet dreams to you too Sue, take care gal :) xxxx

in reply to sue52

It was none of my doing, eeek, would never dare suggest anyone stop smoking, nothing worse than an ex smoker preaching to those who are happy to carry on. haha I always swore I would never be a born again non smoker, mind you its nice when they come in from outside smelling all sweet instead of yukky. Night Sue. Hope you manage to sleep tonight :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Ok folk like my soul mate Sue of for a shower then bed. see if I can manage to get a couple of hours sleep.

Sweet dreams everyone. take it easy . love ya all. xx :) :) :) night night.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Nite nite Jillygirl, I hope you enjoy your shower too :) and try to get a decent nights sleep eh, cos I am sending you and Sue some of my sleeeeeeeeepy huggs whether you like em or not :o :)

Hopefully will get on here earlier tomorrow night :| sweet dreams and luvs ya all :) xxx

Night everyone, am going now. I'm feeling tired myself tonight. Was less than impressed today because I've been thinking all week that I'm off work next week, but discovered today that it's the week after :( Night everyone.

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