Well can't believe it tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I gave up and I've discovered the positives of giving up smoking my teeth are whiter my skin is brighter and smoother my hair feels softer my confidence has improved because I know I don't smell dirty I not saying it has been easy because it hasn't but the days its really hard I take it a minute an hour at a time and before you know it you've made another day I'm also not rushing to get things done so I can have a fag I'm stll vaping but I don't think this is anywhere as bad as smoking.So thank you to everone on this site who helps me through the bad days.
Positives: Well can't believe it tomorrow will... - Quit Support

Hi Donesmokin
I'm soooo happy that your reaping some of the benefits of quitting the cigs
there is also the money your saving too
Yes, vaping is nowhere near as bad as smoking a real cig cos your not getting those other 4000 toxins that you will find in a cig
When your stronger and ready, we will help you to cut the nicotine down in your e-cig eh
Your doing ever so well Donesmokin and I will be out and about to catch your new 2 weeks Winner badge bright and early tomorrow morning and of course, polish it up for you
Not One Puff Ever
You're doing great Donesmokin π
You are so right about the positives of quitting they far outweigh the positives of continuing to smoke coz there is none π€
Keep positive, enjoy your new smoke free life

H donesmokin
You are doing awesome
Love how you are seeing the positives
.. Keep on seeing them
Well done donesmoking, delighted you have seen positives so early in your quitπ If that's what you have noticed on the outside, imagine what must be happening on the inside π

Well done it's all good ain't itπ
Congrats π Donesmokinπππ you're doing awesome!!! I as well take one hour at a time to get through each day.......
Have a great day π

Well done, great work Donesmoking!
Well done congratulations on 2 weeks π
Thanks andrew how are you doing?
I'm doing really good having a few chewing gums and a patch every day but that's ok.
I will be 2 weeks on Sunday funny seems to have crept up on me this week where as the first week seems like I was waiting forever to get my one week badge I didn't like being Newly quit!
Hope ur doing ok
Yes I'm fine thanks a couple of times I've wobbled but not given glad I'm vaping but trying not to do that so much now I even have times where I don't even think about smoking like I say sometimes I just take it min by min hour by hour but things are improving.

Fantastic to hear you're feeling the benefits of your quit donesmokin and be very proud of yourself, well doneπx