I'm glad I came across this site seeing everyone else have the same issues that I do helps me. I have quit before up to 3 years always going back to the bad habit usually because of a stress induced situation. not this time I am done my 3 year old is too hard to keep up with! this time around is different than the last one I have the shortness of breath and wheeziness. I don't like it but it is part of the healing definitely scary so thank all of you for sharing your issues as well. This Tuesday marks three weeks.
Glad I'm not alone. : I'm glad I came across... - Quit Support
Glad I'm not alone.

Well done stacydburns.....just remember that the stressful situation will still be there & if you start smoking you will have another situation to deal with.... keep up the good work!!!

Hi, well done on your three weeks, its such a great achievement and because you've done it before you will know the pitfalls ahead. Not that it makes it any easier!! Keep up the good work and just shout if you need support, advice or just to, well shout. Someone on here will be able to help x
You are definitely not alone, and its so good you're here
Congratulations in this brilliant quit it feels so good when the wheeziness passes, it will. Keeping up with a 3 year old is a handful, and one I'd love to have again
Precious times

Welcome to quit support stacy and a big massive well done on your 3 week quit.
We are a friendly bunch here all on the same journey of quitting and staying quit. You will find this forum very supportive with lots of informative information on the right hand side of the page under the topics headings.
just sing out if your needing some support as there is generally someone about at all times
All the very best

Hiya Stacy and welcome to quit support π
You are defo not alone here with lots of lovely people to help π
congrats on 3 weeks quit, you're doing great and we will support you all the way π
Any problems just shout coz there's always someone around to help, so welcome a board π x

take it one day at a time.. ( my advice) for what its worth.. but every day OFF is a day to the good!!

Good Job and I agree that you gain nothing by starting back due to a stress inducter. You invite more stress, every 30 to 45 minutes when you want one again and again. Not One Puff Ever, NOPE. Also Never Take Another Puff NTAP.
Hi Stacy, Congrats for tomorrow on your 3 weeks quit,
Stay tuned to this site, we are all in it together and to succeed.
Enjoy your smoke free day. X

Hi Stacydburns a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site and a fantastic well done to you for reaching very nearly 3 weeks quit
I will have your new 3 weeks Winners badge ready and polished for you early tomorrow morning
As for your shortness of breath and wheezing, this should get easier for you as your body clears itself out drink plenty of water, get out in that fresh air
and please spit any phlegm you may have into a hanky or something, get rid of it, I know its not very nice, but it will help you and your body to recovery
Good luck Stacy

Hi Stacey,
only a few weeks ago I was in your position and its tough. Even with all my Nicotine patches and gum, I thought about it, a lot....and then not so much....
You never know how your body is going to react, everyone's different.
I have a four year old so my main reason for quitting and staying quit.
I have noticed recently far fewer smokers and as supermarkets/shops are covering them up they are not so "in your face".
As they make it harder and harder to advertise I am hopeful that "temptations" will also disappear. Had terrible flu last week and was bed ridden with aching everything. Didn't cross my mind once, Getting there one day at a time.
Jim x
Thanks everyone!