Hi everyone, I couldn't bring Freddie home today from the kennels but he will be picked up 9am next Saturday! I have got to have a home and cat check Thursday plus a reference from my vet lol!!! Must say I'm very impressed with dog trust, very thorough! But then they have to be with these poor dogs being abandoned and neglected all over the place, good news is I spent an hour and a half with Freddie walking him and playing with him also introduced him to my granddaughter who fell in love instantly and wagged his tail plus gave her a big kiss on the face lol, can't wait until Saturday next week now have just bought his bowls and food ect out of the money saved from quitting the fags, couldn't have done this if I was still puffing away! Xxx
Freddie..: Hi everyone, I couldn't bring... - Quit Support

Hi Sharon I got a picture sent on facebook , it is from the cumbrian police warning people of this white van trading under the following
Premier roofing
phone number 08004743738. ( I couldnt post the image as it was very poor quality so took the phone number off the van. These so called traders are going round the country and stealing dogs. So please let the police know if you see them. Last seen in Yorkshire.
Thank you jilly, I've taken that down, there is so much of this going on, into area there are little piles of white powder along the pavement outside houses and apparently this is what they are doing to mark houses that dog owners are out at work all day to steal their dog, they are using these dogs for bait and dog fighting it's horrendous, they stole an 11 year old springer spaniel, it's been missing for 18 days they would have used this poor dog as bait, it breaks my heart, I am looking to find out how to get together with the neighbours to try and put up some extra protection in our neighbourhood xx

Awwww Sharon, am so sorry you couldnt bring Freddie home today but at least you had some precious time with him
saying that, the best pressies are worth waiting for
I'm sure you will sail through the house and cat check on Thursday and its sooooo lovely to hear that you have bought his food and dishes etc out of the money you have saved from quitting the smokes, you are just one hell of an ACE Lady and I luvs ya ta bits gal
Thanks pete, and I luv's ya too! I'm so organised for this dog lmao, I've never been so organised he he!! Only prob is I bought Freddie a lovely fleecey bed and matching blanket and ollie the big ginger fluffy cat I have thinks all his birthdays have come at once and hasn't got out of it! Sleeping, cleaning himself and generally loving life in Freddie's new bed!!!! X
Well I suppose the bed cost me 15 pound so that's only 2 days of fags, goodness nos how many dog beds I could have bought since my quit, infact I could probably put a deposit on a flat for pets lol!!! Xx

Hiya Sharon, so happy for ya that Freddie will be getting his forever home with you next week
Sounds like you both had a great time together yesterday x

Hi Sharon
Freddie will be so lucky to find a home with you your such a kind lady
knowing my cats bet Ollie only in bed so he can show who is boss
looking forward to hearing from you next week to hear about the latest news
love liz x