I cannot always get time to visit my GP or stop smoking clinic at my GP's surgery. I had stopped previously with Champix and found it the best way for me to stop, I only had 4 weeks worth but this stopped me for almost 4 months, until the cravings returned just as strong as they were before... Patches and the like are expensive and only mask the craving and dont work for very long.
Is there an easier way to get Champix from th... - Quit Support
Is there an easier way to get Champix from the NHS than having to go through my registered GP?

I don't know about getting Champix, but I noticed you said patches and the like are expensive. You can sign up to a chemists stop smoking scheme and get the patches or anything else you like for free

Hi JoeDemoggs, and Welcome to quit support. Emjay our advisor should be able to answer your question. However what Rainbowlilybet suggests may be your answer.

Hi JoeDemoggs,
Welcome to Quit Support
Most GP's won't prescribe Champix unless the person is receiving some sort of behavioural support from their local stop smoking service and maybe from Quit Support. Usually, you only have to go to your GP for the initial prescription and then you can get a repeat after that.
Most stop smoking services offer appointment times at various points throughout the day, including early mornings, afternoons and evenings. Some even offer Saturdays too
As Rainbowlilybet says, you could also pop into your local chemist and see what they can offer you.
With regards to other NRT, providing you access your local stop smoking service, then the most it will cost you is the price of a prescription. You can even purchase a prescription prepayment card and cut the cost even further.
Using your local stop smoking service means you are 4 times more likely to quit for good.
NRT works really well when used properly and (as with Champix too) always works best when used for the full treatment period.
Another alternative is to stop smoking cold turkey. If this was the route you decided to take, then it does mean yo may have to work that extra bit harder at stopping. It can be done though and I'm sure a few of our members who have done it will be more than happy to share their story
There is no reason whatsoever why you cannot start a fresh stop smoking journey and stay quit for good. All we need is for you to let us know which way you want to go and we'll be ready to support you

Hi ya Joe, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site
I work long hours, so I cant go to the docs quit smoking scheme soooooo I went to my local chemist, where they also do it, BUT I could go on a Saturday morning
They gave me a form to sign and take to the docs, which I did, She gave me the all clear to use it, and gave me a prescription for the starter pack
From then on, I just got the champix from the Chemist, but of course I had to go and see them every Saturday morning and have my CO read. Oh by the way, I have to pay for prescriptions, but I got a 3 month 1 for about £29.00 which is a big saving eh Just ask at your doc's or the chemist
Like I have said before, champix is very good BUT you have to follow through with the whole course !! I got cocky and cut it short, then what append ? yeah, I was back smoking again
Good luck Joe, you know you CAN do it Pete
would you be kind enough to explain what NRT is?
Hi jeanniex and welcome to quit support😊
NRT is nicotine replacement therapy to stop smoking. It comes in a variety of different forms, patches, gum etc. It slowly weans you off nicotine as opposed to cold turkey where all the withdrawals hit at once. There is a pinned post explaining all the different methods available called 'which NRT do you think would suit you best'
If you are thinking of quitting, we will be happy to help🚭😊