Stopped now 1 yr and 2 mths and put the weigh... - Quit Support

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Stopped now 1 yr and 2 mths and put the weight on

newromantic profile image
newromantic3 YEAR WINNER
6 Replies

Stopped now 1 yr and 2 mths and put the weight on no matter what i do i cannot shift it. I suppose it doesnt help the amount of mints i have and i have them to stop me using any NRT will i ever win lol

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6 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

firstly Well done on reaching 1yr 2 months as a non smoker. that's brilliant. (exactly the same amount of time as me) If you think back how daunting it seemed when you first quit.

Anyway good to see you back on site.

I found a web site about weight gain and quitting. May help think most of it is down to

commonsense. I am going to give it a go to get a bit more healthier. take care. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Stop Smoking and Gain £££s not lbs!

By Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD

The fear of gaining weight can be a major psychological hurdle in any attempt to kick the nicotine habit. The cigarettes you are smoking have made controlling your weight easier although the reasons why smokers, in general weigh less than non-smokers are not well understood.

Let’s weigh up the facts. The dangers of smoking to your health are well documented. Giving up smoking will significantly reduce the risks of major heart diseases and cancers. Putting on a few pounds in weight as you kick the habit pales into insignificance when you recognise the overall health benefits of giving up. It’s far easier to shed a few pounds in weight than face a fight against a major illness.

Not everyone gains weight after giving up smoking. In reality, few put on more than a few pounds. A little knowledge will give you the power to minimise possible weight gain and enjoy the benefits of being a new, healthy you!

Why do some people gain weight after giving up?

Nicotine and Metabolism

Nicotine acts as both a stimulant and a sedative. Immediately after a puff of nicotine there is a rush of adrenaline which causes the liver to release glycogen (sugar) which raises the blood sugar levels slightly. Remove nicotine and your body slows down your metabolism. You are expending fewer calories. Consequently, if you eat the same number of calories as before, your body is using less and stores more as fat.

Nicotine and Appetite

Nicotine can reduce your appetite by directly affecting the activity of serotonin and dopamine, which are substances that control neural transmission in areas of your brain, that turn your appetite on and off. Nicotine elevates the activity of these substances in a way that is similar to what happens when you eat a sweet. For a period after smoking a cigarette you feel less hungry.


Food can act as a comfort factor. You crave foods to replace the relaxing feeling and buzz that nicotine was providing.


Holding and lighting cigarettes is a well-developed habit. Remove the cigarette and what are you going to do with your hands? You can feel the need to occupy your hands – picking and snacking on food fills this gap.

Put Yourself in Control

Be Positive

Focus on the positive aspects of giving up smoking. Remember all the reasons why you want to kick nicotine out of your body with all its negative health consequences.

Food Diary

Keep a food diary. This will help you to identify the times when you are eating more and snacking as a replacement for cigarettes. This knowledge means you will be aware of the ‘danger’ times and have plans to deal with them. (You can use the food diary in WLR free for 24 hours.)

Eat Healthy

Try to eat regular meals and reduce the need and desire to snack. Plan ‘healthy’ meals to encourage your new health kick. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Remember smoking has drained your body of many essential vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin C. Stock up on lots of healthy and nutritious snack foods.

Occupy Your Hands

Make plans to occupy your time and your hands. What can you do to take your mind off smoking – puzzles, crosswords, jigsaws, doodling, knitting, drawing…

Get Moving

Be as active as possible. Perhaps the most important thing you can do to avoid weight gain is increase your physical activity. This will balance out the effects that nicotine had on your metabolism. Make definite plans to exercise more. Set aside times in the week for 30 minute sessions of exercising – walking, gym, swimming, cycling…As your lungs recover from the effects of smoking you will find exercising easier and will enjoy it. Feeling fitter and healthier you will be more motivated to keep to a regular routine.

Reward Yourself

Use the ££’s saved from not buying cigarettes to buy something to reward your efforts – a treat at a health spa, some new clothes, some sports equipment, days out, etc.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Lesley its great to see you again :) :)

A massive massive well done to you for getting to 1year and 2 months quit yippee flippin dippee :) :)

May I ask how you are feelin yourself, can you see the benefits of quitting smoking :)

As for the weight problem, erm, just wait for it to go :) :)

Speak soon, Pete :)

thenunn profile image

A big WELL DONE ..I admire and envy you :) having knocked smoking side ways ,loosing g weight is a breeze lol. Ok maybe not a breeze but it will come off ,if you apply yourself like you did to your will do it Im certain :)

congratulations on being a non smoker

best wishes jan

EmJay profile image

Hi Lesley, congratulations to you! You are doing brilliantly :-)

There's some great advice above for you, try not to put too much pressure on yourself to lose weight. When you are ready, aiming to lose just 1-2lbs a week is the healthiest way and means that you are more likely to keep it off.

Keep up the good efforts and please, please keep popping on from time to time to let us know how you are :D

Well done, a true winner!

pixelcravings profile image
pixelcravings10 MONTH WINNER

eat at the right time or at least in a daily repeatable patern otherwise known as regualar meals. I dson't do that well with it but I at least eat the same emount the same number of meals per day at least roughly simular. Seems to work. your mrtabolism doesn't actually slow downt that much. ALl I found is when i quit before .this time i can do a longer workout so i actually lost weight lol. this time..i hope to actually put weight on so that i can get more muscule gain. eh.. its all about having a plan you can follow at least 50% of the time. and not justa random plan. SOmething based on what you know your body will handle well. SO may be experiemnt if you are unsure. Just do what makes you more energetic as a general tip. That way you always can excersize. If you eat things that make you lythargic then it'sprobably not good food for you. I don't know what your diet is so i just guess.

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