Six weeks and struggling!: I quit six weeks ago... - Quit Support

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Six weeks and struggling!

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner
25 Replies

I quit six weeks ago. Tried to get an appointment at my GP smoking clinic but they had a one month wait. Went to local pharmacy which advertised a stop smoking service. Was given 25mg patches and inhalators. First four weeks were great (apart from the expected cravings etc). End of week 4 pharmacist dropped my patch to 15mg and had run out of inhalators. Took four days for him to get some in. Two days ago went back for more patches and inhalators - I could see there were no inhalators on the shelf, he said he wanted to drop my patch to 10mg and also give me lozenges instead of inhalators. I told him I wasn't keen but he was insistent. Lozenges are meant to dissolve in 20-30 minutes. Had to spit mine out after 30 seconds because of horrible indigestion/heartburn. Went back and he very reluctantly swapped them for mini lozenges. Put first 10mg patch on yesterday but it was old fashioned type and had to take it off due to horrible rash which appeared instantly. In the end have gone to shop and bought invisipatches and some more mini lozenges (he only gave me 20 tabs, meant to last two weeks). I feel as if I'm being sabotaged by the person who's meant to be supporting me. Tried calling local stop smoking service for help yesterday but they're not available until Monday! Aaargh - cravings are through the roof and I don't trust myself to take any money with me when I take the dog out in case I buy fags :o(

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Finley2012 profile image
30 Months Winner
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25 Replies
andi22 profile image

Hiya Finley and welcome to our support place.

It sounds like you're having a terrible time of it and I really feel for you. You've come to the right place cos everyone's at different stages and taking different paths to help their quit. Unfortunately I'm n the cold turkey route so I can't comment on the patches/lozenges route but a lot of people on here are and I'm sure will try to help with some tips.

Emjay is the person to really help once she picks you up (sorry about the expression). Anyway as I said before, welcome and good luck with staying quit - you ARE strong enough to do it!

Andi :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Finely welcome to our support site, sorry your having such a terrible time, i'm the same as Andi, going cold turkey, i'm sure Emjay will be on soon to help you, we've all had bad days and used different strategies to help, if you've not done so already read through the blogs on this site you should find something to help you and join us on the daily chat, there a great bunch of people on here, i know how hard this is, this is my 4th attempt, but you can do this, try to distract your thoughts if you can, that sometimes helps. you are strong enough to do this :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

Thanks Andi and Sue. How do you join the 'daily chat'? I'm new to this and not great when it comes to techie things - only just learned how to use NHS facebook page and I'm not sure I do that right either - lol x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Finley, i'm Pete nice to meet you, like Andi says you've come to the right place, I'm on 25mg patches, and 10mg inhalators for bad times, as far as i know, you dont go onto the 15mg patches until your 8th week!!!!

To tell you the truth, i dont think much of your pharmasist !!!! sounds like he is just trying to get rid of the old stock!! have you looked at the sell by date??

You've done so so well so far gal, you WILL get through this hard time, have you tried some chocs!!!! :D or breathing exercises, i tell you gal you take your dog a walk, and breath in that lovely fresh air that you can smell now!!!! you have have quit!! and go to that shop!! look them fags in the eye!! and tell them to ermmmm well thats up to you to say!!, and then treat yourself to some choc!! and an ice lolly to walk back with!! :) you can do this!! just keep strong and focused, you've got this far, and we all have our bad days :(

Come onto daily chat and meet us all, we are all very friendly, and helpfull tooo.

Emjay is the boss, any questions you have she will answer, she 's fab!!!!

Speak to ya soon Pete :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

Hi Pete - thanks for the support! Yeh, I did check the sell by dates on the horrible patches he gave me, and although they are 'in date' none of the places that sell NRT over the counter seem to be stocking them anymore. I wouldn't have been quite so angry but when I first went to the pharmacist and he wanted to give me patches, I said I wasn't keen because when I tried them years ago I had awful rashes with them. He reassured me by saying the new ones are much improved - which they are (invisipatches) but then gave me these rotten things that I can't use. It also makes me mad that I've now had to pay out ££££s to buy NRT which ought to be free from him - or even if I got it on prescription would be OK as I have a pre-pay certificate. My daughter told me to calm down, let it go and realise that I'd have spent more on fags in a weekend before I gave up and I'm sure she's right - (very philosophical my girl, but then she is doing A level philosophy lol). Did take the dog out but not any money. I will get on to NHS tomorrow morning to find alternative support. Thanks again xx

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

ps Pete - I agree, I think he's trying to palm his old stock off on me - that's why he wanted me to have lozenges when I didn't want them and why he was reluctant to let me try the minis which I asked for. Have got some inhalator cartridges donated by a friend, and I find them the best, so that's what I'll be asking for tomorrow x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Finley2012

Hi its Pete again-- if you type - nhs- and search- the main nhs site will appear- click on that- down to healthunlocked-its green!! click on that-then down to quit smoking support, that brings you up to this main page, there you can ask questions, blog, or go into daily chat, which is great, cus it helps me no end, i tell you!! :)

Please get back if you cant find it!!!! we all help each other on here!! :) Pete :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

Thanks Pete x

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

sounds to me like this chemist guy is cutting you down too quickley you could try another dentist but make an appointment with your doctor im not with any health professional only because the times of the quit smoking clinic dont fit in with my hours of work as i finish wok at 5:30 dont get home till 6 but ive strated coming on here more and everyone is wonderful might even go as far to say amazing so be forceful and demand help you deserve it xx


Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to windylindy50

Hi Lindy - thanks for that. The smoking clinic times aren't great for me either, which is one of the reasons I thought the pharmacy would be better - I work different hours every day and clinic is at set times. Thanks to you and the others for support. I will be on the phone first thing tomorrow to get an appointment either at the GP or other clinic. I'm determined not to give in after 6 weeks x

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

that chemist not dentist (why did i say dentist) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to windylindy50

Lin have you been drinking gal, or have you got some new nails, cus your typins worse than mine gal???? :D :D

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

Ha ha hi monky I don't drink bad habit I sometimes type too quick and don't check not with it today :)

windylindy50 profile image
windylindy5031 Months Winner

New nails monky not into the fake nails they are long though so will check spelling etc next time x

Lenne profile image

Hiya Finley, I agree your pharmacist sounds a bit erm.. pants. My nurse if I think long and hard about it would say pfft you stick to what you feel comfortable using and don't reduce until you're ready I am shocked the pharmacist has suggested dropping so quickly :o

Keep your chin up, you've come so far already, let's see this battle through together! xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lenne

Aup Lenne, i just love the words you use, talk about WICKED gal :) you are just something else, and i love you for it!!!! :D i'm still chuckling to myself now!! just ACE gal, and i love you to bits :)

Pete :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to Lenne

cheers Lenne I'm going to do something about it tomorrow morning :-)

Lenne profile image

*Gives you all big hugs* :D

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to Lenne

Cheers Lenne Got up this morning really feeling like I want a fag, which doesn't happen all that often these days, so am just about to call NHS local smoking service and ask for urgent appointment somewhere to sort our the NRT. All the support from here, you and everyone, yesterday was soooo helpful to me at a really tough time. THANK YOU! :-)

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Finley2012

Hope you're feeling good today Finley, don't worry we are all in the same boat and get meh days- we pull eachother out of them and hold eachother's hands through it all :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to Lenne

Hi Lenne - feeling crap and craving like mad - I think it's a combination of my patch being reduced to 10mg too quickly and the stress of the NRT debacle over the last few days BUT have finally got through to NHS and can go to a drop in service this evening, so will do that and get sorted out. Many thanks again for yours and everyone else's support - it really helps :-) x

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Finley2012

It's great you can see someone this eve, not long to wait :) Get yourself some chewy mints until then, breathe, shout if you need to (somewhere private so you don't frighten people lol) and soon you'll get back on track with proper dose! We are all rooting for you xxx

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

Ha ha, I work from home so can shout without scaring anyone - apart from my dog! Have got sugar free gum to chew, lots of chamomile tea (ordinary tea and coffee are making me want a fag right now, although I haven't been avoiding them until this weekend) and counting down to 5pm. It's chucking it down with rain here, hope it stops before then otherwise I'll be a tragic figure, trekking through the pouring rain to (what I hope is) salvation - lol - my imagination is running away with me. Thanks again Lenne :-)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to Finley2012

Hiya Finley, glad you're hopefully going to get something sorted later. When you come back, tell us all about it on the Daily Chat then we'll find it easier and can all join in. In the meantime, keep strong and keep SHOUTING!!! :D :D (I found that shouting helps me at times too. :o ) Andi x

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

Thanks Andi, I will x

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