Daily Chat Saturday 27th July 2013: A big thank... - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Saturday 27th July 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
14 Replies

A big thank you for the help and support you have given me, its so nice to know that I am not alone :) :)

I hope your all enjoying the sunshine today 8-) :) cos somehow I think we are going to get a bit wet tomorrow :( well here in Derbyshire anyway.

Jonathan, I hope your still with us pal :) I know we all get trying times through our quit, me included, so I know how hard it is sometimes, we are here for you if you need us :)

Once again, I thank you all for your help, I think I'm more focused today and will try some of your erm, suggestions out later :o :D :D You all have a lovely smokefree day now, speak soon :) Pete :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog separately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away! :) :)

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monky profile image
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14 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good afternoon Pete and everyone.

Glad to hear that you're getting through it Pete, you CAN do this despite all your obstacles at home. :( It must be soooo hard trying to quit when you live with smokers. My friend smokes about 4 a day and when she was sat outside with the door open I could smell it upstairs - it's just so amazing how sensitive to the smell you become almost immediately. Any non-smoking friends don't seem to notice the smell mostly although I think they are more switched on to it these days.

Jonathan, I hope you're coping well today - go and give some of your sporty things some welly then you'll feel much better for it. ;-) Nearly 3 weeks now - how proud do you feel about that?! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi, I hope your enjoying your day gal :) by the way, love your new pic gal, you look a lot younger in the new pic and may I add, what a nice pear of erm, pins you have :) ;) obviously, quitting smoking has helped you gal :) Sinfree, you say you cant see any changes now that you've quit :o just you look at Andi :| :D :D :D

Hey Andi, has your friend with the broken arm got sorted yet ???

Speak soon :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Pete, I hope these suggestions help you over the weekend and you have a nice easy time of it :) We're getting rain all day tomorrow, as well, so I'm gonna go with hubby for his daily walk soon, while it's dry :D :D

And hey, your never alone, we're all here for you, always will be :)

Away to hang my washing out, will chat soon :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Hi Sue, its lovely to see you gal :) just wondering, where you hang your washing :o have you got a big window box ?? or a flag pole ?? or peg it to a kite and let it fly out the window :D :D :D

Enjoy your walk with hubby Sue :) speak soon :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Pete, nice to see you on here. Well we`ve just got a thunderstorm here in Yorkshire. But it isn't any cooler.

I am surrounded by copper pipes and different types of tools etc at the moment. Son in law fitting radiators. boiler is done. Good job we have had the boiler replaced I think the gas board would have condemned it . There was even a dead snail in the casing of it. Ah well will get there slowly.:) better go and make them a cuppa. catch up later. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Hey Jillygirl, I hope your keeping the men fed, and watered gal :) :) am sure you are :) as for the dead snail, he was a slow coach anyway :D :D

Am so glad your Son in law is better now, and able to sort your heating out, ready for the winter :) :)

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

We still have the sun here but it's heavy rain all day tomorrow so no walking then.

Sorry i missed you earlier Andi, don't know how i managed that :o :D, hope you had a great day :)

I prefer a kite for my washing Pete, how did you guess :D :D :D it dries it quicker :D :D

Hi Jillygirl It's good your boiler is done, thank goodness the snail was dead, they can be dangerous

:D :D :D

have a brill evening everyone :)

andi22 profile image

Evening all. :)

Well, Pete'll be surprised that I actually did a bit of gardening for an hour before lunch. The sun came out so within 10 minutes I was dripping. :o (I know - TMI :P ) I thought it was supposed to be raining by 11. It finally started about 4 o'clock and may stop during the night.

Sue, hope your washing dried ok - how many flagpoles have you got then? Do they poke out of the windows?

Jilly, good time to be having the heating and boiler replaced - you should be snug as a bug come the autumn and lovely and cosy - who needs to be cold in this day and age. ;-)

Pete, glad you think my pins look ok - my pt commented about how lean he thought my calves were the other day - I didn't think they had any fat on them to start with. :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hey Andi, :) :) how you doing gal ??

Yeah, we've got the thunder & lightning now gal :) just hope it clears the air a bit, so we can sleep at night eh :) Its absolutely flippin erm, raining alot here :o The power has gone off 3 times now, my fish pond is about overflowing :o so maybe will have fish for breakfast tomorrow, with toad in the hole for lunch :D :D :D

Andi, just love your new pic gal, erm it just tells me something :o :o :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Well, I was really looking for something more like your pic as I thought it appropriate for the current season. The pic is a girl on a beach but had to be cropped - hairstyle's not right though, unlike my last pic.

Have you found your toad now then?

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Nope, cos I think we will have to start swimming shortly, I tell ya, its absolutely teeeeeeming it down, hmmmmm this will check whether I fixed the guttering or not :o

Andi, just wondered how you friend was :o

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Sorry, I kept forgetting to answer that question. :P She finally had an op on her wrist on Thursday. She broke the bone in her arm and one in her wrist was in lots of bits apparently. I think she's had a plate and 2 screws put in but she'll have her plaster off by the time we go away fortunately. It will never be 100% right and she'll have arthritis in it eventually. Looks like I might be having to carry her bags when we go away. :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite everybody, got to go now, cos have been summund :o Enjoy your sleep and your sweet dreams too :) :) loves you all, cos we all help each other on here :) :)

Your all just Magic :) :) xxxxxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Nite nite Pete, sleep well, and all you others too. Sweet dreams. :) xxxxxxxxxx

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