Daily Chat Saturday 17th August 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Saturday 17th August 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
33 Replies

Good morning everybody and I wish you all a happy smoke free one too :) :)

Its definitely a bit iffy here today in Derbyshire, as grey and dull skies all around :( I hope its better where you are :) But hey ! you dont need the sunshine to make it a happy day do you :o there's loads of reasons to make it a happy day, hmmmmm I just cant think of any at the moment :o :|

See ya later :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog separately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away! :)

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monky profile image
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33 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Pete and everyone. :)

Got out for my bike ride early. It was cloudy and a bit breezy but lovely as not too much traffic on the roads yet. The sun came out when I got home but I think it's gone now - supposed to be raining again shortly. The grass is getting nice and green again now but still has a few brown patches, but hey, who's doesn't?! ;-)

Have you done your shopping yet Pete? Why don't you get yourself and er indoors out for a nice yomp in 'them thar hills'? That should get your hearts beating! :D :D

Good morning Pete and Andi, hope you are both well. The weather is a bit cloudy and grey here, but when is it anything else. Little bit annoyed cos the weathermen yesterday said it would be raining all day today and so I didn't bother planning anything.

So I dossed in bed til 9.00am reading my new book. I am currently doing a tour of the world in a VW camper with Simeon Courtie, his wife and his young family of 3 girls. So far we've done Holland, Belgium, France - all in the rain (it was August 2010) and have just crossed the Alps on the same road the Italian Job was filmed on, Penny the camper just about made it up th'ill.

The Long and Whining Road is the name of the book, as in the Beatles song The Long and Winding Road. Penny the camper? As in Penny Lane. As well as taking a year out to tour the world in a campervan, the family also busked around the world singing Beatles songs - badly, to raise money for UNISEF. It's a brill book thus far, really funny, so that's the sample read, now need to download the whole book and only £1.99.

This is supposed to be my e-book for reading at work. Somehow I don't think it's gonna last til next Thursday, it's so good and definitely an improvement on Hidden Treasures by Fern Britton - :o snoozingly boring in comparison, how it made it to a Sunday Times bestseller I'll never know. I'm off now to do a bit of turbo training... Laters!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Morning Sinfree, Must be a good book to keep you in bed. Great when you get a book you just cant put down. I will be glad when our flat is finished being done up , then I can relax with a good book too. Enjoy the turbo training. :) here is a pet for company for you.


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Sooooo you dossed in bed til 9.00 as well then :o :) mind you I think it was more like 9.30 when I got up :D :D what the heck gal, its flippin Saturday :) :)

Hey Sinfree, as for that book your reading, I bet Emjay would love to read that, cos she loves VW campers :o :) Can you download it from somewhere ?? cos I might just have a go at reading that too :)

in reply to monky

yes Pete its on Amazon. It's a kindle book but you don't need a kindle, you can put it on your laptop, your phone or your Kindle if you've got one. It's only £1.99.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Pete , and everyone. Weather is the same in Yorkshire Pete, iffy. As for being happy one thing we can be happy about is all the friends on here. Here is a special cuppa for you and andi :-


Well Pete why not attempt a walk up that hill like andi suggests.


If that doesn't make you both happy try this. :-


for :-


Good God, whoever said a dog is for life not just for Christmas, they missed out kids. Anyone thinking of embarking on starting a family be warned, if you think you only have the next 18 years to look after a child, think again.....They last for EVER. Have just talked our son through a very nail biting few hours on his journey down South to Devon (how do you do an angst face) Nightmare. From the first phone call at 7.00am - "the sat nav won't work on my new phone, what shall I do" to the phone call at lunch time "what does EPG mean on the dashboard, the PAS has stopped working, the air bag lights come on, the turbo's gone, and it won't go over 2000 rev's) YAAAAGH. Good job hubby sat up til 12.30am sorting out some breakdown cover for him then wasn't it, since he "forgot" So where are you then? Errm Bridgewater. This was what, oooh about 12.30 lunch time. 2 hours later and much texting and phone calling, things seem to be sorted without calling out the AA. OK, so where are you then - Errrm Bridgewater Services. Eh???? but that's where you were 2 hours ago. "Ummm yeah", came the reply, "we do seem to have come back on ourselves". How the f**k do you come back on yourself on a bloody motorway. OMG do 'scuse the French but sheesh, I don't want to be me any more. In the meantime daughter has been round too with her crying baby, who never seems to do much else but cry along with my daughter. I want to run awayyyyyy..........after I've chainsmoked at least 20 ciggies.

Anyone remember that program that was on years ago with the family that won the lottery with erm that woman who's name I can't think of and that bloke who used to play Tristan in that vet program thingy in Yorkshire - Gosh I'm rubbish with names of anything, anyway if you do remember the program about the family who won the lottery well that's what its like in our house, like all the time, except sadly we never won the lottery to make the bitter pill a little easier to swallow :( :D :D :o

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

:D :D :D am so so sorry for laughing Sinfree, but its just the way you come out with things gal :o :)

Hey you keep strong eh, cos otherwise, I'l be around to sort ya, ok :o :D :D :D

in reply to monky

Tsk, don't know about sin free, wish I was flipping child free at the moment. Still ya gotta luv 'em I suppose, after all where would we be without them, wrinkle free with a lot less grey hair and plenty of money probably :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Oh dear Sinfree, you sound like your dizzy with family problems. Know what you mean though my family are the same. Keep focused having a smoke wont change anything. :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Aup Jillygirl :)

Where you bin all my life gal :o

in reply to jillygirl

You reckon? maybe not, but it would make me feel a whole lot better :D Anyways am glad to say he's finally arrived, car out of limp mode and back to normal - for now. Need to change the ringtone on my phone tho. Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas. I think maybe I'm gonna dread hearing that tune by the end of the week.

andi22 profile image

Evenin' all. :)

Hey Sin, sounds like you've had a bit of a day of it girl! A bit manic, I know, but maybe it was a bit of poetic justice for staying in bed late this morning. :D :D I'm at the other extreme with none of the type of diversions you have. ;-)

Jilly, have you got all that wallpaper off yet? Hope you didn't spend too long in the little room with all that tea you've been drinking lately. :o

Pete, how was your rowing today - or did you try out your bike yet? :o ;-)

in reply to andi22

Hya andi. I have been good and doing my exercise too in between the mayhem. 20 minutes on Turbo Trainer just before the first of the phone calls. They're hard work, harder than riding a bike. Then after tea tonight I did 30 minutes with Mel B on the Wii, then another 15 minutes with Mel B doing Step, mind you the Wii step is only umm... wee, don't really have to lift your feet up much to step on it. And I went out on my flying bike last night before the rains came. All this exercise though, it just makes me want to smoke for some reason :(

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Gosh Sinfree, it sounds like your another sucker for punishment like Andi :o :| but if you enjoy it gal and its helping you, then why the flippin eck not :) and I admire you, like I do Andi, for doing so :) :)

I hope that new bike of yours can stand the pace :D :D :D

in reply to monky

I love my new bike. Not using it on the Turbo trainer though as they wear out the back tyre fast. I used to like using the rowing machine when I used to go to the gym years ago, I always found it used to ease my achy shoulders from too much sitting hunched over computers.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Sinfree, you are a Lady after my own heart gal, cos i love the rowing machine :) and I am on it most days, I find it uses most of your muscles, therefore keeps most of them happy :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hi ya Andi, ermmm, ave been lazy today, cos ave been driving my van, been visiting :) so no exercise for me today :o hmmm had some flippin cake too !!

Soooo I will have to give it some tomorrow gal :P :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Pleased to hear it you two. :)

I guess Sin's watching Casualty now, Jilly's in her bath and Pete's stroking his pussy. :o

in reply to andi22

Nooo, I haven't watched Casualty for years. That program seems to have been on every Saturday night since I was about 10, well may be 17 or 18 anyway.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

:P :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

I will have you know Andi, that my pussy is wet, and am just trying, trying to dry her now :o :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

:D :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Sorry Sin, that was Kazz that's addicted to Casualty. I used to watch it all the time but gave it up years ago when they turned it into a soap and had everyone bonking each other. They did the same with other long term series such as The Bill. I think that was the beginning of the end of decent, good quality tv as we knew it, when comedies were actually funny. :/

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

:D :D :D

in reply to andi22

I know, I hardly ever watch TV any more except for Coronation Street and that's more habit than anything. I could never stand that Charlie Fairhead in Casualty, don't know if he's still in it or not, I always thought his acting was terrible. I never liked The Bill and there is NEVER anything funny on TV.

Oh well am going now as my knees are hurting and am tired after being woken at 7.00 by my darling son and after the days events I haven't even had a wash or anything today - eeww skanky. So night night andi, Pete and Jilly and anyone else who may be looking in, have a lovely sleep and hope the rains have gone tomorrow

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Nite nite Sin, don't stay awake too late reading your book. Sleep well. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Nite nite Sinfree, just you dream of your new dream machine :) :) dont bother about being skanky :P :P cos my nose is blocked at the mow :D :D :D

Hey you get a good nights kip gal, and if you want to doss in ya pit tomorrow, then flippin do it gal :) :)

andi22 profile image

Think I'm going to sign off for tonight too.

Nite nite Pete and Jilly and anyone else out there. Sleep well, see you tomorrow. :) xxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Nite nite Andi and Jillygirl and everybody behind the scenes, I wish you all a lovely, stress free sleep :) and if you have a dream, let it be a beauty of one :) :) ENJOY :) :) xxxxx

EmJay profile image

Night night Everyone, bestest of wishes for a great noghts sleep. Fresh and ready for Sunday, another smokefree day under your belts :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to EmJay

Aup Emjay, I hope your well :)

Am just wondering if you have read this book - The Long and Whining Road - cos Sinfree's bin on about it, and its got a VW camper van called Penny in it too :)

Speak soon, :) xx

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