I'm taking 350mg soluble magnesium carbonate every other day, as suggested by my GP before I was diagnosed. However, I have read that Magnesium Glycinate is specifically recommended for absorption and also as a sleep aid of sorts. Would welcome any feedback - i.e. what dose should be taken daily and at what time. Is it worthwhile? I'm also thinking of asking for a blood test for calcium, Vit D and magnesium levels. Thanks, and enjoy your day......
Magnesium Supplements : I'm taking 350mg soluble... - PMRGCAuk
Magnesium Supplements

The magnesium part is magnesium, whatever the salt is. The salt part (carbonate, glycinate, pidolate which I use) is supposed to have other benefits.
I use mag picolate for calming down my atrial fibrillation (as used in the local hospital) and it seems to help. I never have muscle cramps now - what between diet and the little bottles I obviously have plenty of magnesium!
Looking at blood magnesium levels isn't particularly helpful - it is scavenged from the muscle stores to keep it right - so the intracellular level can be scraping the bottom of the barrel while the blood level looks fine. Vit D should be checked at least annually, preferably in the autumn when it should be at its peak or spring when it will be as low as it is likely to get, and calcium should be part of regular monitoring by the GP. 2x a year would do, but 3-monthly would be better. But loads of doctors just don't bother.
Interesting to say the least, but how much magnesium do you use as a picolate when you consider buying it ? In other words what dosage?
It comes as prepackaged 10ml sachets with a fixed amount
Thanks for the info!
I have googled pidolate and hardly anything comes up to buy? Any particular brand?
This is the stuff I get
Not sure if that comes up as Italian - but google kindly translates for you! There is also a French pharmacy site
so it may well be that it doesn't speak English ...
I just read on the Arthritis Connection that magnesium supplementation is not good for RA.Have you any information along these lines? I was having thigh cramping after starting on pred. and calcium/K2/D3. I started 400mg. magnesium glycinate once a day. Somewhat relieved but still worrisome. Any advice? Would this be true for PMR?
No idea - PMR/GCA is my field, RA is very different apart from being a chronic autoimmune illness. However - other sources point out that RA medications can deplete magnesium and this
says the opposite in that there is a u-shaped relationship between magnesium and RA so too little or too much is not beneficial - moderate supplementation will be as magnesium has an antiinflammatory effect.
It may take a while to get the intracellular levels up so the cramps may persist until that is sorted but taking more may lead to diarrhoea - magnesium has a laxative effect if you take too much. You can also use footbaths or skin sprays which avoids that effect.
Can you give me the link for what you read?
I have read the link you sent. very confusing compared to link.ncbinil.nih.gov/pmc/article.... Other dietary factors potentially lowering RA activity Table ll. I hope this is helpful. I found the dietary information very interesting on this link also. You always raise my curiosity and I try to add to my education. You are a wonderful resource. Thank you.
Can you repost the link with spaces before and after the link - that doesn't work. Or write out the title
ncbinlm.nih.gov/pmc/article.... Activity Table ll. It is posted on HealthUnlocked The Arthritis Connection. RA and Diet. Posted July 18 by simonsays. I hope this is correct and you can retrieve it.
I just tried to retrieve this and it did not work. Try the HealthUnlocked The Arthritis Connection site. RA and Diet. Posted July 18 by simonsays.
This is the Food Fact Sheet
I see no mention of not taking magnesium.
And I can't find anything to fit - there is no member there called simon says
I read the Food Fact Sheet while being very informative it is not what I am referring to. I will try again to direct you to The Arthritis Connection. I found it when I typed the Arthritis Connection on my laptop. https:/thearthritisconnection.com Also, facebook.com The Arthritisconnection If this still isn't successful I just give up and write it off. Although the site is a wealth of information. It might not be available outside the U.S. Just guessing. I really appreciate your interest in the magnesium supplementation question. I have learned so much from you. I was just trying to return the favor. Well, better luck next time.P.S. I get an update of the ArthritisConnection to my Email address daily.
I found the site OK - just can't find anything about magnesium. Shame - I was quite interested
Success!! ! Too bad it wasn't conclusive on the magnesium question. Maybe if you type The Arthritis Connection-Magnesium supplementation or dietary factors.
No - my google is very well trained for finding medical papers on that sort of search criteria and all I can find are studies saying what that BMJ link says: magnesium intake is important, can have an antiinflammatory effect in RA and is protective against OA. BUT - excessive intake is not beneficial, the right balance is required.
However - I wonder if this has caused some confusion:
where a SHORT TERM restriction of magnesium in the diet achieved improvements. However - that is a study in rats! That doesn't always translate to human effects.
The vast majority of opinion supports magnesium supplementation - as long as it isn't excessive.
I have a vitamin D check about once a year. I don’t think I have ever had a magnesium check and I had a calcium check recently but that was for something else.