Hello, I posted a few weeks ago with no responses so I thought I'd try again as I am really suffering both physically and mentally.
I got pregnant with my 2nd back in March. For the first few weeks I was very happy. About 7 weeks in, I fell into a horrible depression that I assume was due to my hormones. I could not leave my couch, I cried all day long, and was not caring for my 3 year old son (whom I was quarantined with) like I should have. I had never felt so low in my life. I came to the conclusion (not in my right mind) that I needed to terminate the pregnancy for a list of reasons.
On May 23 at 9 weeks I underwent a surgical suction aspiration. About 2.5 weeks later I started with the pelvic pain. My OB was not concerned and prescribed me doxycycline BID for one week just in case. I had an ultrasound the next week that was normal. The pain did not go away and my doctors agreed to put me on flagyl BID for 10 days and give me one more week of doxycycline, and after that was completed finally agreed to give me a ceftriaxone shot. They refused to believe that I may have PID due to the fact that I do not have any STDs but I pushed for treatment just in case.
About 3.5 weeks after the termination (in the middle of my antibiotic therapy) I got my first period which was very strange and more like regular blood, very heavy and lasted for almost 10 days. The pain persisted. My doctors shrugged me off and did not seem concerned. About 5.5 weeks post termination I got frustrated and went to the ER. They did an ultrasound which showed I was ovulating and had a large 3.5 cm dominant follicle cyst in my right ovary, and my endometrium was already 15 mm just halfway through my cycle (it had been 8mm at my previous ultrasound the day before my first period) , and my uterus was now 10.8 cm when the ultrasound 2.5 weeks before it was 9 cm.
My OB STILL was not concerned and said the numbers were within normal limits- they told me they did not know why I am having so much pain and tenderness, and that since I had antibiotics (albeit out of order and with a gap between the 2 weeks of doxy) that if there were any PID it would be resolved.
I am now 10 weeks post termination. I still have very low pelvic pain and tenderness to touch or palpate, shooting pains on both sides in the ovary area, along with pain in my very lower back and hips, and a numbness/tingling pine and needles in my left lower pelvic/vagina/buttocks that will go partway down my left leg. The numbness is worst after a bowel movement. Some days are worse than others but overall it is worsening. The right sided pain has been especially bad these last few days. I also seem to have intermittent increased urination and sometimes burning but have always tested negative for urinary infections. The pain is not always the same, but it is there every day.
A different OBGYN at the practice just put me on a 14 day course of amox/clav (Augmentin) which I just finished and asked me to start a birth control pill to keep my endometrial lining thin so there is less for bacteria to feed off. I am 2 weeks into this with no changes. I have not been offered a laparoscopy. I am having a 3rd ultrasound tomorrow and I am so scared!
I know my body, and know that something is going on- I have had a brain tumor, an occipital artery aneurysm and resection at 31 weeks pregnant, and thyroid cancer all of which I had to be my own advocate to get answers and resolve the problems.
I am so scared that whatever is going on is causing inflammation/infection in my tubes and causing infertility, and we really truly want another child. I hate myself for what I did- it is not what the normal me wanted, and to think my hormonal depression and making a horrible decision may stop that from ever happening kills me. Some of the posts on here have me so scared that this will never go away.
Any insight or support is truly appreciated!!!