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Pelvic inflammatory disease

LeboM profile image
19 Replies


Is anyone else suffering from PID(pelvic inflammatory disease? I went to a doctor a week ago and he said that's what's wrong with me,he gave me a week treatment and it is now complete but my pelvic pain hasn't improved, instead I'm now also nauseous and experience diarrhoea the whole time since my treatment...does this seem normal or am I misdiagnosed again?

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LeboM profile image
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19 Replies
R1110 profile image

Hey I went through this, go to a gynaecologist you may need to have a laparoscopy and have adhesions removed. The pain can last up to a year. What happens is the infection causes the uterus and ovaries to become stuck by these filmy adhesions which can be removed with surgery. Also good chance your tubes can be enlarged and blocked by scar tissue.

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to R1110

Thank you...

Add-on profile image

Don't accept a diagnosis from a GP without having seen a Consultant. 12 years ago my GP told me I had IC, but last year a Urologist disputed this diagnosis and it now appears to be PN. Ask to be referred to a Gastroenterologist. You could also get a private stool test done via a Naturopath. Had one done last year and it showed I had H/Pylori, high Calprotectin (inflammation) and other pathogens that should not be there.

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to Add-on

Thank you

Add-on profile image

You need to examined internally for Pid. Ask for referral to gastroenterologist. If you have no bowel problem then at least you know it is not PID. Then ask for neurologist or pain clinic, and don’t be put off .

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to Add-on

Thank you for your response

Cinnamonan profile image


I hope you’re ok, I had this last year. An IUD had become stuck in my cervix and my GP didn’t pick it up. So I was treated for PID for 4 weeks, but no one could figure out the cause until I saw a family planning nurse and then I pushed and saw a gynaecologist.

She did a diagnostic laparoscopy and I had adhesions.

The surgery was helpful for some of my symptoms but surgery itself causes adhesions so you’d want to weigh this up before considering any sort of diagnostic surgery.

I would urge you to push to see a gynae if you’re not getting the right guidance or support from your GP.

Hope you’re ok!

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to Cinnamonan

Thank you will do

Feminology profile image

I’ve had it 3 times and it really sounds like they haven’t cleared it up. 1 week of antibiotics is rarely long enough to get rid of the infection. Even 2 weeks is unlikely to be effective. My most recent course was 1 month. It’s more effective if they give you intravenous antibiotics though then a couple of weeks of oral antibiotics. You should be having an ultrasound and blood tests to check it has gone! GP’s never seem to understand the seriousness of the situation and you should be seen by a gynaecologist. Hope you get on top of it soon. Do not leave it too long as you want to prevent the scar tissue building up!

Violin15 profile image
Violin15 in reply to Feminology

Hi Feminology,

How were you diagnosed and what were your symptoms if you don’t mind me asking? I believe this might be what I have after a miscarriage. I have very strange pelvic and abdominal shooting/ stabbing pains. Very bad to start then have eased slightly. Also, bowels strange, nausea, burning throat feeling, frequent & incomplete urination to name a few.

I’ve had lots of one week precautionary antibiotics as nothing shown in bloods, Ultrasound or swabs, only microscopic blood in urine.

Just had MRI and am waiting for these results. On waiting list for a laparoscopy.

Thank you 🙏

Feminology profile image
Feminology in reply to Violin15


Sounds like you’ve been having a really tough time with this! It sounds very symptomatic of PID from what you’ve described and very similar to the symptoms I have had! It can be extremely difficult to diagnose when it’s in its early stages and the first time I had it they didn’t work out what I had until I was rushed to hospital. Microscopic blood in urine is always an early sign for me, although it’s not considered an official indicator of PID. Sometimes you won’t show anything in the bloods, swabs, ultrasound if it’s not progressed enough. I did get diagnosed with bloods and ultrasound the first time as I had 2 abscesses. If you experience fever or low grade temperatures in the evenings (So not quite a fever but higher than your usual), and/or night sweats, this can be a very strong indicator that it’s an infection. Also horrendous fatigue. PID can cause unbelievable damage if left untreated so keep pushing your doctor if you are worried or have these other symptoms. FYI, the antibiotics needed to treat PID are metronidazole and doxycycline combined and definitely for longer than 1 week. In March I had a 2 week course and that didn’t even get rid of it. But the month long course was successful.

Regardless of whether it is the infection or If there is something else, if your Doctor isn’t taking it seriously enough and you are struggling to function as usual or are in lots of pain just go straight to the emergency room. I spent too much time waiting for tests and I wish I had acted sooner. I never had an mri but hopefully it will have some answers, especially if something else is going on that isn’t PID!

Hope this helps and I hope that whatever is going on is resolved soon!

Violin15 profile image
Violin15 in reply to Feminology

Thank you. I’ve been to two sexual health clinics where they palpated pelvis and because I wasn’t screaming out in pain (it was just uncomfortable) they ruled it out. I’ve also gone to a&e a few times but even still they just give me a course of a weeks worth of antibiotics and nothing conclusive is found.

Feel like my gp has given up now he’s referred me to a gynaecologist (called so many times).

Did your pain lessen or get worse? Hoping the mri gives me answers, failing that I’m not sure where to turn.

Thank you again, really appreciate your help.

Feminology profile image
Feminology in reply to Violin15

Argh sorry to hear that! I’ve also had so many troubles with doctors and A&E and now feel like I continually have to fight, which is exhausting when you’re already so fatigued. Sadly we are not alone in experiencing this...

my most recent case of PID I had absolutely no pain at all but my inflammation marker in my bloods was high and signs of inflammation/infection were clear on my ultrasound. So don’t let them rule it out because of not being in agony! The pain can really come and go from my experience. Sometimes it will just be when you urinate, sometimes it will be the odd stabbing pain, otherwise a dull ache. Or nothing. Being seen by gynaecology is essential as they will take it seriously. I’m surprised you aren’t already under them due to the miscarriage. My GP (the last 2 times) phoned the local hospital and got my straight into the ward the next day. But I have a GP who really gets women’s issues now. If you feel like the wait for gynae is too long and you are not okay, just keep making a fuss until they act! Or ask to see a different GP. They don’t all know everything! I had a nightmare with the GP I was seeing the first time I had it and she did not act in the way I now know she should have and that’s why I’m in the situation I’m in now. It’s challenging but you know your body better than anyone else and you know if something is really not okay!

Violin15 profile image
Violin15 in reply to Feminology

You are so right, it is so exhausting. I’m hoping when the GP calls with MRI results he does the same and sends me straight to hospital. I feel awful, desperate to feel well again.

Thanks again for all the info, you’ve really helped me 🙏

Feminology profile image
Feminology in reply to Violin15

Fingers crossed for you! I hope it gets dealt with soon and you can feel well again! I’m glad that I’ve been able to help as i know it can be really isolating! Good luck!!

Violin15 profile image
Violin15 in reply to Feminology

Thank you x

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to Feminology

Thank you so much for this information...

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to Violin15


So for years I had constipation problems,went from one doctor to another with them saying the same thing and forcing me to change my diet,which I did and it wasn't helping...Then a few years back (+-5) my stomach would get painful and I went to a doctor in hospital,they did an x-ray and said nothing seems wrong and also said it might be constipation...Then two years back the pain started being so severe that when it attacked I wouldn't be able to walk....Then a couple of GP's I went to suggested it was IBS and for about a year I accepted that especially cause I found pills from a pharmacy that would lower the pain.. Then last year the pills started being ineffective so I went to two more GP's and they both suggested I see a gynae because I described my pain to be a 10 on a scale of 1-10 and they said it can't be IBS with the pain that severe...So I went to a gynae last year and he said I had cysts but they weren't big enough to be causing such pain but nonetheless he gave me a contraceptives treatment,which also worked for 6 months. So I extended the treatment this year for with an extra 6 months but then 8 months I to the treatment it stopped working and the pain became really severe, worse than the years back... That's when I went to another doctor and he said I had PID, (he didn't really do any tests,I just described my pelvic pain and told him my story and he concluded...It seemed strange though cause I've only ever had protected sex but I assumed maybe it's gonorrhea from oral sex...He did a womb scrub and gave me the one week antibiotics treatment and yet that didn't help...

LeboM profile image
LeboM in reply to Feminology

Will do, thank you

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