I posted a few weeks ago about pain ive been having in my pelvis and the whole unregar periods and all sorts. Ive had several urine samples, scans, blood tests, all pointed to nothing.
I had another ultrasound on Monday, it came back with what looks like Polycystic Ovaries, however, ive been told this is not what is causing my pain. Theyvre tried to take more blood to no avail, i have very difficult veins. Ive been referred to Gynae and have another attempt at a blood test in 1 week, but how long can i be expected to wait for Gynae? This pain is starting to grind on me now, i get sharp pains low down left side and a constant dull ache, no painkiller touches it and theyve gave me everything they can. They are going to attempt to rush through the Gynae, but has anyone experienced similar to this? Please review my earlier post for full symptoms but theyre basically:
-Pain during intercourse, deep pelvic pain
-Constant dull ache, started about 8 weeks ago, occasional shooting pains on the left hand side just above bikini line
-Horrendous period pains, this was managed with the pill for years, came off it and went on the injection but the side effects of it were horrible so cane off it January last year (2018) and havnt had a period since.
- Tired constantly
- Needing to wee alot, pain in pelvis 7/10 times
Im at a loss, no pain relief as tried everything they can give me and still no end in sight as to what is causing me to feel like this.