This is going yo be a long one so i honestly appologise!
Ive had constant dull pelvic pain for weeks. Its like a dull cramp that just does not go away. Along with this, im constantly running to the toilet and cannot empty my bowels properly as within 5 minutes im straight back to the toilet. Ive had urine tests 3 times (days apart) and everytime has showed white blood cells, but once sent to the lab, no infection present, so not a UTI or anything like that. Here is a full list of my symptopms:
- For months ive had pain when having sex, deep in my pelvis. This has been so bad i now physically cant have sex anymore as i tense up so much. Never used to have that issue, only started happening in the last 6 months. Every other symptom has developed in the last 2.
- Constantly needing to pee. This comes and goes, but at some points (i keep a ‘pee diary’) ive been at the toilet 23 times! Serious hindrance on my life. Also not being able to ‘fully pee’ and needing to run back 5 minutes later.
- Feeling generally tired, literally not being able to move for being so tired.
- Exteremely painful periods. I would scream out in pain, so much so i was taken to A&E with suspected appendicitis it was so painful. This was then controlled with the pill, and then the monthly injection when i became sexually active. I came of this 1 year ago in hope to become pregnant and have never had a period since, but i still get the cramps that i used to have, just no bleeding at all. After being told it can be months even years after stopping he injection before my periods come back, i started taking the pill again to try get them going again, 4 months of taking it and still no periods (on the 1 week break)
- Constant dull ache, like the type of dull ache you get when your on your period. Sometimes gets quite severe and can cause pain in my hips and back.
- Nausea, this happens from time to time when the full ache gets really bad. Because of this, im seriously losing my appetite.
I saw my GP, who done an internal exam (or tried to, it was so painful that she couldnt, probably from me tensing) and took urine and swabs, all normal. Referred me for an ultrasound, again, normal. What the hell do i do now? I feel like shes thinking im making it up, and i cant seem to find anything that puts me at ease or any kind of definitive answer. As far as im aware they havent arranged a follow up and they dont know what to do next, so what do i do now? Anyone had any similar experiences and what happened?