I have just joined this site today as i need to speak to someone who can help me.
So about 1 year ago i started getting crippling pain in pelvis area, it was always either before during or after period so just put it down to this so went to gp and she referred me to a gynae as she thought it was endo...
In that time i came home from work before easter weekend and i had back ache on left side all day i sat down for about half a hour got up from sofa and i just got the most crippling pain in my pelvis it was so bad i laid there three hours before my husband came home and found me and took me to hospital.
I had many tests, gallbladder, kidney, water, apendix, ct scan and mri scan. NOTHING so they said wait for ur gynae...
I found at this time i couldnt have sex as i was in constant pain in my real low left groin area all way into middle of gut.
So i had my gynae and had a laparoscopy and nothing!
Then had a colonoscopy NOTHING!!
But im still in pain, it feels muscular.
I have since been sent to a women health physio who tested my pelvic floor which showed it was majorly tight and inflammed.
I have had a few appointment but seems to have reached a plato ...
Can anyone help me... suggestions how to help it?
Also can i ask if pain in lower back, hip, side is all normal?
It also hurts
Me to poo, wee, strain to pass wind.... if im desperate for wee it hurts??? Is this all normal with pelvic floor dys?
Any help or suggestions would help me massively as i am soooo fed
Up of it now...
Ive not had sex with my husband now for 7 months im
So past it all now