Hi, wonder if anyone can help? I'm 37 and have one child. I have had 2 very early miscarriages this year, but my periods are regular, although seem lighter the last few months. I don't have a history of any problems. Over the last 4/5 months I have noticed getting period like cramping, sore breasts and just a general feeling of something not being right, possibly hormonal? I had an ultrasound done which showed a very small fibroid on the fundus of my uterus and ovaries that looked possibly polycystic (but I have none of the symptoms), and consultant said those findings would not be causing the ongoing pains. I had some blood tests at the start of my cycle, which came back all fine. Doctor said she didn't know what else it could be and said I should see a gynae if it continues. I thought possibly I might not be ovulating properly so had day 21 progesterone bloods taken yesterday. I just rang doc and they said to book a phone consultation on Monday and couldn't say anything else. I am now worried!
The pains are not constant but do come and go all month and I do get ovulation signs....I just don't know. Has anyone had something similar? thanks in advance