Hi everyone - hope you are all well...
Just here looking for some advice really. I'm new here and not sure who else to talk to or where else to go...
Since March this year I have been suffering from constant chronic pelvic pain, most days it is a dull ache, some days it can get worse. To me, it feels like I have period pains all the time.
At first, they thought I had a UTI and after running some tests including bloods and urinalysis it came back negative however as a precaution beforehand I was put on some UTI antibiotics.
After this I went back to my GP as I was still having this pelvic pain, and they thought I had Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. I was put on Doxycyclin and Metrodizonale for 2 weeks.
The pain continued, so my GP did a pelvic exam and some swabs which all came back clear, so he thought I may have an ovarian cyst.
At this point the pain was really bad so I went into hospital overnight and they conducted an ultrasound on my pelvis/ovaries and that came back normal - with no cysts.
So they said I was constipated, although they ran no bowel tests and gave me some Movical, which I now take regularly.
Even after completing my constipation treatment and having regular bowel movements, I am still experiencing this horrible pelvic pain.
My GP now thinks it isn't bowel related and has sent me to see a Gynaecologist....however I am moving abroad in August and won't be here for my appointment so may need to have the consultation done privately and see what they say before we move as if something is wrong maybe it is best we stay as I wouldn't be able to afford private treatment here or abroad....
I'm really worried about my fertility and upset in case something is seriously wrong
I had to go to A + E yesterday as I was in lots of pain. After doing my bloods and a urine test, they couldn't find anything wrong except my white blood cell count was raised which to them indicated an inflammation (and some protein was raised too, which also indicated that - but I can't remember the name) so they gave me some more antibiotics, the same which I had for PID.
They did mention Endometriosis, but they aren't sure as I don't get painful periods, no pain during sex and the ultrasound was fine - actually the doctor said it was 'quite unremarkable' as there was nothing indicating anything wrong.
I was just wondering if anyone has any advice or has experienced anything similar? I am so lost and confused......and fed up with this constant pain!
Thank you