I'm so glad to be on this group. I've read all your posts and I want to tell you I'm so sorry for those of you still suffering with little help. That is me. We must not give up hope. I'm in the Atlanta area. My nightmare began 8 years ago when I began to experience severe constipation and colon pain also muscles locking up but didn't know anything about that then and neither did my Emory gastro specialists or colon and rectal doctor at Emory! I went through a myriad of tests, (horrible), abdominal hysterectomy I didn't need. Finally 5 years and several doctors later I finally got an IBS, colonic inertia, rectocele, and pelvic floor myofacial spasms. I had Botox injections at Mayo Clinic. Took effect after few weekk helped the spasms for a year. By this time I'd lost a total of 30 lbs. I was only 135 before I got sick. 1 year ago my Rectal issues defecating and colon slow transit made me so desperate I had a colon Rectal doctor here do retecele repair and subtotal colectomy which leaves me 12 in sigmoid colon attached to bowel. I lost more weight recovering, thought I'd die but didn't. I still can eat very little. I'm constipated at bottom of pelvic floor where everything is so prolapsed. Spasms are really bad most days. Right now horrible. I'm sure I need Botox again in levolor muscles and more I'm sure as hips low back everything spasm since surgery. I have Medicare which I understand will not pay for it even for unbearable pain and I had it done in or. before because I had Aetna and it was very expensive. My only hope would be to find a doctor to do it in the office. I might be able to pay for that. It was a urogynocologist before at Mayo. Does anyone know of a doctor near Atlanta who might do this in office? I know it's painful. I'm desperate. I have used Kratom off and on for pain and depression but it doesn't help spasms and FDA is grabbing it. Also my Rectal or vaginal diazepam suppositories don't help after the surgery. Of course no opioids and Ativan helps a little but I've only got a short term prescription for 1/2 of 1 mil a day. Not enough but other muscle relaxers I've used are hyosycamine, librax and another same family can't remember. None help. Gastro recently gave me medical VSL 3 probiotic. Only makes me have terrible stomach cramps.
I pray for help for me and for others who are suffering horrible sicknesses. I pray for help for all of you. Jesus help all your suffering ones.
Yes, guilt is horrible with this too. It's so hard on my husband He's precious and sticks with me through it all I feel so sorry for him. I feel like a horrible wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend etc Just watch life go by for most part . I'm so sorry for all who have to live this way. I guess you can tell today is not a good day some days I'm a lot more cheerful. I haven't been sleeping lately.
Thanks for listening.